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New Northumberland Council to use premium 0845 no (Read 56,656 times)
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New Northumberland Council to use premium 0845 no
Mar 28th, 2009 at 1:06pm
Source: News Post Leader


Northumberland's districts ready for their demise

Published Date: 24 March 2009

DISTRICT councils are set to disappear from Northumberland next week when the new unitary authority takes over.
Final preparations are being made as the countdown gets closer to April 1 when the new look Northumberland council will take over – 35 years to the day since the creation of the six districts.


"It means they can design a council with a fresh start.

"They (Northumberland County Council) have now set their budget and are clearer about the improvements they want to bring and their plans for day one."

Initial fears had been raised about the number of jobs which would be lost in the transition, but from a total workforce of 15,000 the worst case scenario is 77 jobs are expected to be lost, although county officials said that figure would be lower, possibly even zero.

There will be one single number to contact the council on any issue – 0845 600 6400.

Whilst other amalgamated councils from 1 April who have chosen non-geographical numbers have gone to 03xx, Northumberland Council has chosen the 0845 route.
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Re: New Northumberland Council to use premium 0845
Reply #1 - Apr 29th, 2009 at 2:04pm
Source: JournalLive.co.uk


Northumberland Council bosses blasted over telephone number

Apr 28 2009  by Dave Black, The Journal

BOSSES at Northumberland's new super council have been accused of failing to comply with an independent regulator's guidance by providing an 0845 number for people who need to contact the authority.

Members of the public who telephone the all-purpose council – which came into being on April 1 following the switch to unitary local government – now have to use a single number, 0845 600 6400, to speak to call handlers.

Numbers beginning 0845 and 0875 are used by many businesses and organisations providing a wide range of services, but calls are generally more expensive than to ordinary 01 or 02 geographical numbers.

Calls to the new county council number from mobile phones cost between 8.5p per minute and 20p per minute, depending on the network. Now former Blyth Valley borough councillor, Bob Watson, has made a formal complaint to regulator Ofcom about the county council’s use of the number. He says Ofcom guidance states that public organisations such as Government departments, GP surgeries and councils should not use such numbers exclusively, when dealing with people on low incomes and other vulnerable groups.

Yesterday Mr Watson said: “Ofcom recommends that public bodies should not use 0845 or 0870 numbers because of the extra costs involved for many callers. I am not with BT and calling the county council number cost me 8p for connection and then 4p a minute.

“It cost me 22p for a three-minute call so you can see how it could get quite expensive for someone ringing up with a complicated query about housing or benefits. The council is not advertising the availability of the old 01 numbers, even though Ofcom guidance says geographical numbers should be given equal prominence.”

County council Conservative group leader, Peter Jackson, said his group has asked for the use of the 0845 number to be discussed at a scrutiny committee next month. “We need to know why the new authority went for an 0845 number when other councils and organisations have switched to 0345 numbers instead. We have go to look at this in detail because we want residents to have the cheapest calls possible into the county council.” A spokeswoman for Ofcom said: “We have issued advice that public sector bodies should not use more expensive 08 numbers, but this is only guidance and is not a mandatory requirement or a rule. It is a decision for the organisations involved.”

John Berry, former secretary of the North East Pensioners’ Association, said: “These numbers are a deterrent to elderly people contacting their council. Calls to local councils should be as cheap as possible.”

Cost-effective option

COUNTY council head of customer services, Chris Philips, said: "Having a single number provides a simple, memorable message to everyone who wishes to get in touch with us, and this is generally a cost-effective option for callers.

"0845 calls are generally charged at the local rate, but are often free as part of a call package. For mobile callers the charge varies depending on service provider. In many cases the charge is less than had the call been made to a 01670 number."

Mr Philips said Ofcom did recommend the use of 03 numbers. He added: "However, the only network they can force to ensure correct application of 03 call charging is BT. They cannot give guarantees that all networks will charge the same for 03 numbers, or that 03 numbers are available.

"This led us to conclude that 0845 was the best option and that 03 was not workable. We could not risk some callers being unable to contact us on an 03 number, which would be completely unacceptable."

Mr Philips said Ofcom has recommended that all providers move to charging the same amount for calls to 0845 this year, and there is general agreement to this from major network providers. "The council does not make any money from use of the 0845 number," he added.
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Re: New Northumberland Council to use premium 0845
Reply #2 - Apr 30th, 2009 at 1:03pm
Chris Phillips has evidently been 'got at' by the providers of the 08 number, repeating their rubbish phrases by heart no doubt.

I cannot believe that after all the publicity given to 03 numbers, some civil servants seem incapable of making a simple decision that satisfies everybody.  No doubt he'll be expecting a six figure salary now.
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Re: New Northumberland Council to use premium 0845
Reply #3 - May 6th, 2009 at 7:57pm
Source: The Journal


Council's 0845 number under more scrutiny

May 6, 09 10:01 AM

Bosses at Northumberland's new super council are coming under increasing pressure to scrap the 0845 telephone number which has been provided for people who need to contact the authority.

The Journal revealed last week how one former councillor (Bob Watson, pictured) has made a formal complaint to watchdog Ofcom that the unitary council is failing to comply with its guidance that public bodies should not use 08 numbers because of how much it costs people to ring them.

Now pressure is growing on County Hall chiefs to make a change as:

   * National campaigners cast doubts on the council's claims that many mobile calls to the 0845 600-6400 number cost less than to a 01670 number.
   * Northumbria Police says it changed its non-emergency number from 0845 to 03456 after only a year because it was cheaper for people to call.
   * The use of the 0845 number is to be examined in detail by a county council scrutiny committee, with one option being to change it.

Telephone numbers beginning 084 and 087 are used by many businesses and organisations providing a wide range of services, but calls are generally more expensive than to 01 or 02 geographical numbers, and those starting 03.

The new unitary council brought in the single 0845 number when it came into being on April 1.

Calls to the number from mobile phones cost between 8.5p per minute and 20p per minute, depending on the network.

Yesterday Dave Lindsay, who campaigns nationally against the use of 08 numbers by public bodies, said: "I hope Northumberland County Council will resolve to move away from its 0845 number."

A Northumbria Police spokesman said the force switched from an 08456 number to 03456 a year ago.

He said: "This number is cheaper to use than the previous 08456 number, and in many cases is free as part of an existing call package, especially in the evening and at weekends."

Former Blyth Valley councillor, Bob Watson, who made the complaint to Ofcom, said: "If the county council wants a fancy number to denote that it is a new organisation then it should use an 03 number, the same as Northumbria Police.

"In addition, the old geographical council numbers, such as 01670 533000, are still being used, but County Hall needs to publicise them so people are aware."

Coun Glen Sanderson, who chairs the council's communities and place scrutiny committee, said the issue would be formally discussed next month.

"We need to establish who made this decision and why, and what options are open to us.

"We have to make sure that access to the county council is as easy as possible for people, but also as cheap as possible."

The county council says it concluded that the 0845 number was the best option for the new unitary authority after considering other possibilities.
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Re: New Northumberland Council to use premium 0845
Reply #4 - May 14th, 2009 at 6:21pm
Source: News Post Leader


Council's 0845 number receives huge volume of calls

Published Date: 14 May 2009

COUNCIL officials have defended the new 0845 number which is receiving a huge volume of calls.

The News Post Leader last week told how from April 1, the new unitary Northumberland County Council had advertised 0845 600 6400 as the main point of contact – but had come under attack by critics who say the 0845 numbers can charge between 8p and 40p a minute while the previous 01670 number was as little as 0.3p, or free in some cases.

But despite the criticism, head of customer services Chris Philips has defended the decision to introduce the number.

"This number provides access to all council services at the first point of contact, providing information, advice, and the ability to pay for services– one number, one service," he said. "On the first day this number received 10,000 calls, and on average a day the call centre receives around 7,500 calls.


Source: News Post Leader

A report from February...


Unitary council's new telephone number

Published Date: 24 February 2009

ENQUIRIES made to the new unitary council by telephone can be done on a generic number.

The new Northumberland Council has created one telephone number to allow residents across the county to ring if they need.

The number, 0845 600 6400, will be charged at a local rate across the county, but residents used to ringing the district lines can still used them as they will still work.

The new number is "part of the pragmatic approach the county is taking".

It said this is helped by the fact that the district staff will continue to do what they are doing now, and there will be a gradual migration.

What rubbish! More evidence that Northumberland County Council didn't know what it was doing when it adopted the 0845 number.
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« Last Edit: May 14th, 2009 at 6:21pm by Dave »  
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Re: New Northumberland Council to use premium 0845
Reply #5 - May 14th, 2009 at 6:30pm
Residents of Northumberland really do need to ask why their council is employing morons to advise it.
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Northumberland Council may stick with 0845 number
Reply #6 - May 25th, 2009 at 7:30pm
Source: The Journal


Northumberland Council may stick with 0845 number

May 25 2009 by David Black, The Journal

BOSSES at Northumberland’s new super council are being recommended to stick with its controversial 0845 single telephone number.

County hall chiefs have been urged by campaigners both locally and nationally to change the 0845 6006400 number, which has been provided since April 1 for all people who need to contact the unitary authority. One former councillor has made a formal complaint that the authority is failing to comply with guidance from regulator Ofcom that public bodies should not use 08 numbers because of how much it costs people to ring them.

Northumbria Police changed its non-emergency number from 0845 to 03456 after only a year because it was cheaper for people to call, and national campaigners have urged the county council to follow suit.

But now County Hall officers are recommending that the council should stick with the 0845 number until the emerging position on charging becomes clearer and review the situation in a year’s time.

A report to a council scrutiny committee next week says, on balance, it is felt the 0845 number provides a ‘sound option’ for customers and the council alike. In the meantime, the council is also being urged to provide an alternative single geographic number on its website for any callers who want to use it.

Telephone numbers beginning 084 and 087 are used by many businesses and organisations providing a wide range of services, but calls are generally more expensive than to 01 or 02 geographical numbers, and those starting 03. Calls to the county council number from mobiles cost between 8.5p and 20p per minute, depending on the network.

In a report to next week’s communities and place overview and scrutiny committee, the council’s head of customer services, Chris Philips, says there are a number of reasons for staying with the 0845 number.

There is no cost to the council in using it, switching to an 03 number would mean an additional £38,000 a year bill for the authority, calls to 0845 are free for BT customers and changing the number would create ‘public confusion’. Mr Philips says other than providing a free phone service for all callers – which would cost the council £144,000 a year and growing as the usage increased – some variations in call charging for customers is inevitable.

“Many customers have free calls to 0845 as part of their call package and others face broadly acceptable charges,” he adds.

Mr Philips says there is a risk that the 0845 number will become chargeable for the council at some point in the future, and any decision on whether to change it should wait until the situation becomes clearer.

Yesterday former Blyth Valley Labour councillor Bob Watson – who has complained to Ofcom about the 0845 number – said he has been invited by the chairman to speak at next week’s scrutiny meeting.
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Re: New Northumberland Council to use premium 0845
Reply #7 - Jun 1st, 2009 at 7:39pm
The report, to be considered at the meeting of the Communities and Place Overview and Scrutiny Committee tomorrow is available here:


There is misinformation contained within the document. On page 3 it says that Ofcom can only ensure correct application of call charging with 03 calls is BT. This is rubbish as all providers charge 03 as per 01/02.

The point is not the absolute call rate, but the pegging of call charges to "normal" ones.

It goes on to say that some callers might not be able to call 03 numbers. Whilst this was the case a couple of years ago when the numbers were first introduced, I think we're firmly over this hurdle now.

The document also suggests that 0845 calls might become chargeable (incoming that is) at some point in the future. This will be the case if it is decided that they should be brought inline with 01/02 calls as 0870 will be on 1 August and as 03 numbers are now.

The charges on a 03 number is estimated as £38,000 and it is envisaged that this will be the same for 0845 if it is brought inline with 01/02/03. This is the cost of the number translation service which is currently being passed back to callers - the subsidy or stealth tax that the Council is happy to derive.

Recommendation 5.2 is that an alternative geographical number be published on the Council's website. Perhaps there is scope for the 0845 number to be given as an alternative to a 01/02/03 number to allow citizens to take advantage of special perverse discounted rates with BT. Some might be confused as to which number they will be best using.

If any alternative is not published in all places that the main number is, then some might be unaware of it. It is wrong that those who have internet access and look on the website should benefit when others won't.

Recommendation 5.1 is to wait 12 months and see what happens. I am sure that the growing public perception of 0845 is that it is a rip-off. 0845 is the new 0870. Just because the premium revenue share is being removed from 0870 numbers does not mean that they are any more desirable. 0845 will be no different if it is brought inline with 01/02/03 numbers.

In a nutshell, I think there's common misunderstandings at work here. The briefing sheet on the introduction of the 0845 number stated it was "local rate". The council should move to introduce a number as per the original brief.
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« Last Edit: Jun 1st, 2009 at 7:45pm by Dave »  
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Controversial 0845 telephone number stays
Reply #8 - Jun 4th, 2009 at 8:05pm
Source: News Post Leader


Controversial 0845 telephone number stays

Published Date:
04 June 2009


THE controversial 0845 telephone number for Northumberland County Council will be retained for at least the next 12 months.

Members of the county's overview and scrutiny committee have agreed with recommendations to continue with the use of the 0845 number until the position on charging becomes clearer.

At a meeting in County Hall, Morpeth, a decisionw as made to review the council's position in 12 months when a report is compiled.

The controversial number was introduced on April 1 with the launch of the new unitary authority.

The county said the number was considered the "best option" to reinforce one council using a non geographical number.

But in a report, Chris Phillips, head of customer services, said: "The choice of telephone number the council uses has financial implications to the council and the customer.

"There are currently no costs to the council for using the 0845 number."

If the number changed to 03 it would mean a cost to the local authority of £38,000 per year, and if it became a freephone 0800 number, the council would incur revenue costs of £144,000.

Mr Phillips added: "Many customers have free calls to 0845 as part of their call package.

"Others face broadly acceptable call charges.

"On balance 0845 provides a sound option for customers and the council alike."
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« Last Edit: Jun 4th, 2009 at 8:06pm by Dave »  
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Re: New Northumberland Council to use premium 0845
Reply #9 - Jun 4th, 2009 at 11:00pm
Of course, Northumberland Council could use a geographic number and distribute the calls through its own network, which is, presumably, how it will distribute them anyway. But without the revenue share, of course.
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Re: New Northumberland Council to use premium 0845
Reply #10 - Jun 5th, 2009 at 10:16pm
Tanllan wrote on Jun 4th, 2009 at 11:00pm:
Of course, Northumberland Council could use a geographic number and distribute the calls through its own network, which is, presumably, how it will distribute them anyway. But without the revenue share, of course.

A perfectly sensible suggestion, Tanllan, with which many on this Forum would agree.   I wonder if the council gave that option any consideration at all although there is no mention of it in the report.

Would you know what the cost implications would be of using a geographic number rather than the alleged cost of £38000 per annum of an 03?   

I presume the council will have a geo number or numbers to which the 0845 directs calls, and which the Council must pay for regardless of which option they select.   Of course they may use certain "network facilities" with the 0845 but as I understand it such facilities can also be available with a geo number.     In other words I am asking if there is an equivalent geo based solution at little or no additional cost to the Council?
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Re: New Northumberland Council to use premium 0845
Reply #11 - Jun 6th, 2009 at 12:28am
As a new body serving localities with a variety of geographic codes, it makes sense to have a number that has no close association with any one of these. A regional geographic code would provide the best option, but that is one which does not exist.

One suspects that the £38,000 which callers are paying for the 0845 number is partly on account of the redirection features that are deployed and would apply whatever the published number were to be.

The Council has confirmed its political decision that the part of the cost of its telephone system should be met by those who call it (perhaps through the increased package charges put in place since BT made 0845 calls inclusive) rather than by Council Taxpayers. In its statement it acknowledges this fact and declares it to be "broadly acceptable".

All those who campaign for lower taxation and public spending may need to ask themselves how "acceptable" they find the consequences to be.
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Re: New Northumberland Council to use premium 0845
Reply #12 - Jun 18th, 2009 at 11:21am
Source: News Post Leader


Controversial single telephone number will be retained

Published Date: 18 June 2009

A SINGLE telephone number which has proved controversial is to be retained by the county council but will be reviewed in six months' time.

The 0845 number was introduced when the single council for Northumberland came into force in April, but many criticised the move because it proved expensive for mobile phone users.

Following a report prepared by the communities and place overview and scrutiny committee it has been agreed to review the situation in six months time when the cost implications for the council of retaining the 0845 number become more clear.

Coun Glen Sanderson, who chairs the committee, said: "It's an important area for us to ensure our residents will get through to us as early and as cheaply as possible with calls answered and questions replied to quickly.

"We haven't recommended any immediate or far reaching changes and think it's more sensible to monitor things for a few months."

In the meantime both 0845 and 01670 numbers will be included on the council's website and in future council literature.
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Re: New Northumberland Council to use premium 0845
Reply #13 - Jul 7th, 2009 at 10:14am
Source: Northumberland County Council




At a meeting of the Communities and Place Overview and Scrutiny Committee held at County Hall, Council Chamber on 2 June 2009 at 2:00pm.



(Copy of report enclosed with the signed minutes as Appendix B).

The Chairman expressed thanks to the staff of the Call Centre in relation to the visit by Members of the committee which had taken place prior to the meeting.  It was suggested that a similar exercise take place in six months time.

Councillor Garrett left the meeting for this item.

The Chairman commented that this was a subject that had received a lot of  publicity and that all Members wanted to see, in terms of a call centre function, was for members of the public to get their calls answered quickly, efficiently and be dealt with effectively.    Members did not want to see the least able members of the public who could not afford the cost of a call to be penalised unnecessarily.  He also commented that he wanted to be clear about when the decision was made to implement the 0845 number and what the longer term implications of this could be.  It was hoped to find a way forward which was helpful to the council as a whole but more importantly to people.

Mr C Philips, Head of Customer Services and the Executive Member for Culture, Councillor Mrs I E Hunter, presented a report which provided information on the background to the telephone number strategy and the choice of a non-geographical number, highlighting that:

•      Implementation of the number had been the starting point as part of the ‘single door’ to the new council.   Customers being able to phone one number was seen as a significant step, providing a single access point when the new council was created.   The original blueprint has subsequently been challenged however as the new council moved forward.
•      Given the sensitivities of all the councils coming together and the perception of area bias, this had now been taken away by implementing the use of a single number; the principle was to have a number which was not geographically biased.  
•      There were pros and cons to implementing the number and no one best solution for both the council and its customers.  The Council had had to weigh up the advantages and disadvantages and select the best option.  
•      When the number was originally chosen, concerns were reported that calls to an 03 prefixed number could pose the risk that calls potentially would not get through.  This was an intolerable consideration on day one and the best option therefore was to take the 0845 number.   Things had moved on since this decision was taken and disparity exists between providers in that they charge different rates for each type of call.  
•      There has been a move by OFCOM to move to a single charging rate on 0845 numbers; this presents a risk to the council to pick up the cost of calls in the future.  It is estimated that £144k in call charges could be picked up by the council.  This would have to be met by cuts in services elsewhere.  The 0845 number currently incurs no cost to the Council with many BT customers having free access; other networks do charge.  
•      The single number has been widely promoted and chosen as it offered the best solution at the time to meet all needs.

Mr Philips and Councillor Mrs Hunter went on to respond to comments and queries raised by Members which included:

•      The view that callers did not know how much they would get charged if they rang the 0845 number.  Such numbers in many peoples’ minds could be related to premium rate lines and there had been a lot of negative publicity around these numbers.  Although the 0845 number was not generating income for the County Council it could be perceived as doing so.  
•      Concerns were raised about the social inclusion aspect of using the single number.  Most people ringing the County Council were ringing because they needed services (mainly benefits services) and could be ringing from mobile phones.   Members were advised that the number had been selected in order to advantage as many people as possible as the number incurs the minimum cost.  Although the Council was trying to get down to the neediest people, there would always be some that were disadvantaged.  
•      Members noted that results from a straw poll had indicated that only 276 calls had been received from mobile phones, out of almost 100,000 calls.
•      Members were advised that although 0845 call charges were not excessive, the Council could not answer for all call providers and that there would be also differences if using the 01670 prefix; research had suggested that calls to 01670 were expensive for some people.

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« Last Edit: Jul 7th, 2009 at 10:40am by Dave »  
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Re: New Northumberland Council to use premium 0845
Reply #14 - Jul 7th, 2009 at 10:15am

•      In response to a query on how it would be possible to let members of the public know what it might cost to ring the 0845 number, Members were advised that it would be possible to upload information to the Council’s website which was accessible to everyone.  There would be the need for people to check their individual service provider packages however in relation to mobile calls which could often be charged at higher rates.   Every number set had pros and cons and there was no universal best fit that would satisfy everyone.
•      A view was expressed that three of the largest councils in the North East area were using landline numbers.
•      Members, in asking whether there had been any member involvement in the decision to use the 0845 number, were advised that the decision had been made by the JIT team and signed off by the front office board.
•      Clarification was sought on what the figure was likely to be if the Council was  charged for using the 0845 number and whether there was any budget provision for this cost.  Members were advised that BT was regulated by OFCOM and rather than having variations across providers, all were to be brought into line.  Potentially the 0845 would be chargeable to the Council in the same way that an 0345 would be charged.  0345 calls are charged at 0.5p per minute.  It was estimated therefore, on current volumes, that this could cost the council some £39k.  Members noted that there was no budget available for this and that OFCOM could not indicate when this might happen.  
•      In response to a query as to whether such charges could be incurred in the current financial year, members were advised that this may not be the case and that there was a need to look at and monitor what was happening at OFCOM.   Members noted that if the Council now moved to use of a local rate number, additional costs of amending literature, advertising information etc would be incurred.  
•      Clarification was sought as to whether it was a realistic option to consider making the change to a local rate number sooner rather than later in relation to potential charges.   The suggestion was made to wait until later in the year to see how the 0845 number was working and to ascertain where calls were coming from (landlines, types of mobiles etc)  in order to give the number the opportunity to bed in and in relation to the costs of changing literature and advertising on buses etc.  Members were advised that people could be confused if the Council started to change things now.
•      The view was expressed that use of the single number was bound within the ideology of creating a new single council and that the Council was dictating to residents which number they used; some people would worry about charging implications.  A comment was made that the Council still had two numbers in use, both 0845 and 01670.  The query was raised as to whether it would be possible to give residents the choice and let them decide which number was best for them as situations were different for people in different parts of Northumberland.
•      In relation to a query as to how long it would it take to get the 01670 number information onto the Council’s website, Members were advised that this would take approximately one week (the time it would take to create text and upload).  
•      Members noted that any new advertising planned for the 0845 number could be altered to include the 01670 number and also be included in any new literature.
•      The request was made to get all such information to residents in the TD15 postcode and over county borders.


(a)      Use of the 0845 number be continued until the emerging position on charging becomes clearer and that a report be brought back to the Communities and Place Overview and Scrutiny Committee reviewing the situation in six months time.
(b)      Both the 0845 and 01670 numbers be included on the Council’s website and on any future literature with immediate effect together with a link to an explanation of the charging policy.  
(c)      To publish outline guidance on the website on call charging.  (Detailed guidance is not possible due to the variation and volatility of call charging).
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« Last Edit: Jul 7th, 2009 at 10:42am by Dave »  
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