Source: Northumberland County Council COUNTY COUNCIL
At a meeting of the Communities and Place Overview and Scrutiny Committee held at County Hall, Council Chamber on 2 June 2009 at 2:00pm.
Copy of report enclosed with the signed minutes as Appendix B).
The Chairman expressed thanks to the staff of the Call Centre in relation to the visit by Members of the committee which had taken place prior to the meeting. It was suggested that a similar exercise take place in six months time.
Councillor Garrett left the meeting for this item.
The Chairman commented that this was a subject that had received a lot of publicity and that all Members wanted to see, in terms of a call centre function, was for members of the public to get their calls answered quickly, efficiently and be dealt with effectively. Members did not want to see the least able members of the public who could not afford the cost of a call to be penalised unnecessarily. He also commented that he wanted to be clear about when the decision was made to implement the 0845 number and what the longer term implications of this could be. It was hoped to find a way forward which was helpful to the council as a whole but more importantly to people.
Mr C Philips, Head of Customer Services and the Executive Member for Culture, Councillor Mrs I E Hunter, presented a report which provided information on the background to the telephone number strategy and the choice of a non-geographical number, highlighting that:
• Implementation of the number had been the starting point as part of the ‘single door’ to the new council. Customers being able to phone one number was seen as a significant step, providing a single access point when the new council was created. The original blueprint has subsequently been challenged however as the new council moved forward.
• Given the sensitivities of all the councils coming together and the perception of area bias, this had now been taken away by implementing the use of a single number; the principle was to have a number which was not geographically biased.
• There were pros and cons to implementing the number and no one best solution for both the council and its customers. The Council had had to weigh up the advantages and disadvantages and select the best option.
• When the number was originally chosen, concerns were reported that calls to an 03 prefixed number could pose the risk that calls potentially would not get through. This was an intolerable consideration on day one and the best option therefore was to take the 0845 number. Things had moved on since this decision was taken and disparity exists between providers in that they charge different rates for each type of call.
• There has been a move by OFCOM to move to a single charging rate on 0845 numbers; this presents a risk to the council to pick up the cost of calls in the future. It is estimated that £144k in call charges could be picked up by the council. This would have to be met by cuts in services elsewhere. The 0845 number currently incurs no cost to the Council with many BT customers having free access; other networks do charge.
• The single number has been widely promoted and chosen as it offered the best solution at the time to meet all needs.
Mr Philips and Councillor Mrs Hunter went on to respond to comments and queries raised by Members which included:
• The view that callers did not know how much they would get charged if they rang the 0845 number. Such numbers in many peoples’ minds could be related to premium rate lines and there had been a lot of negative publicity around these numbers. Although the 0845 number was not generating income for the County Council it could be perceived as doing so.
• Concerns were raised about the social inclusion aspect of using the single number. Most people ringing the County Council were ringing because they needed services (mainly benefits services) and could be ringing from mobile phones. Members were advised that the number had been selected in order to advantage as many people as possible as the number incurs the minimum cost. Although the Council was trying to get down to the neediest people, there would always be some that were disadvantaged.
• Members noted that results from a straw poll had indicated that only 276 calls had been received from mobile phones, out of almost 100,000 calls.
• Members were advised that although 0845 call charges were not excessive, the Council could not answer for all call providers and that there would be also differences if using the 01670 prefix; research had suggested that calls to 01670 were expensive for some people.