rbw91 wrote on May 10
th, 2009 at 1:07pm:
I hope this is in the right place.
Can anyone please let me know the legality of charging RATE A for NGN NUMBER B?
Example, 0844 xx is charged at 4.2ppm on the OFCOM website which, with VAT at the time was a 5ppm end user cost.
If a Service Provider is charging 8ppm for the call to that number then is this something the Regulatory Body would be interested in?
Same applies were they to attempt to charge 15ppm to call a 0871 number, which should be a 10ppm minute number?
Looks like profiteering to me and wondered if there was a legal recourse?
Thanks for any replies to my first ever post on here.
Different 0844 and 0871 numbers are charged at different rates from BT landlines. Note that the only provider that must adhere to the charging regulations is BT.
For 0844 it is up to 4.255 pence per minute exclusive of VAT or 4.894 pence per minute inclusive of VAT at 15%. The 5 pence per minute was applicable when VAT was at 17.5%.
Can you clarify what you mean when you refer to "a service provider"?
It has different meanings. A service provider can be the organisation taking a call on a NGN, such as a bank or insurance company. The way I read your posting is that you are talking about a communications provider or telephone company.
If it is the latter, unless it is BT, then they can charge as they see fit.