flocker wrote on May 20
th, 2009 at 10:39am:
Hi, having used sayno for a number of years, I am finding that quite a number of time of late, that I'm having to call the 084 or 0870 number. This is no criticism of sayno, as its up us all to update the database, which I have on a numer of occasions when I've found an alternative.
How have you been notifying us?
flocker wrote on May 20
th, 2009 at 10:39am:
However, with many people now taking up new deals thats coming out with call providers where calls are free during the day etc, the 'low call' rate that is being used as the reason for introducing the 084 number is being negated. OFCOM must know this too.
Do I see a time when we will all have an 084 number and start making on the calls to us.
I applaude the idea of introducing a low call rate as its cheaper than a standard tarriff, but there should be discrimination as to where the call originates and as to if the low call rate is cheaper than your carriers service. I cant see it being too difficult in these days of technology. Of course under the 'low call' banner, we have the 'revenue sharing' which removes all notion of introducing such discrimination.
No 084 and 087 is or has ever been "low rate" (per se).
0845 was the same as local rate back in the days where there was only BT to make calls with, but it was obvious that geographical call charges would fall and therefore a gap would open up.
All users of 084 and 087 numbers derive a subsidy, a premium paid by the caller, in the same way that they do on 09 premium rate numbers, all be it to a lesser degree. Unless a call carrier has a sideline in farming money trees, then they will have to pass this on in some way shape or form.