You obviously didn't Google very well as the first thing is the company's website which is
www.iscltd.netFrom its
contact page the address is:
Integrated Security Consultants Limited
5th Floor, Dexion House
2/4 Empire Way
Middlesex, HA9 0EF
Tel: 0870 366 5888
Fax: 0870 366 5889
A search of
BT Phonebook returns one entry:
Quote:Integrated Security Consultants Ltd
Tel: (020) 8795 4776
Dexion Ho Empire Wy, Wembley, HA9 0LW
As this is a fax number, let's
put it into Google. The one result gives 020 8795 199, which is one digit short. lists this company with telephone number
020 8795 1991 which is the same as above, but with a 1 on the end.
Try this and let us know how you get on. If it's a suitable alternative then I can list it in the database for others to use.