sohcahtoa wrote on May 23
rd, 2010 at 1:21pm:
Thanks, I will - but I don't think those numbers work at all as there was no ringing whatsoever (I mentioned the 0845 number just to show that I had checked that they didn't have a problem with their entire switchboard!).
I can't say for certain, but it is perhaps the case that the closed message you heard is based on the 0845 number. The 0845 number 'tried' the 0191 number and got the response you did. As a result of this, it played the closed message.
When the office staff leave, maybe they log off their phones, which results in all incoming calls direct to their 0191 numbers getting unobtainable (or whatever response you're getting - I'm not near a phone so I can't try it). This maybe tells the 0845 number to put the 'closed' sign up, as it were.
I believe I have been along this road or track before.
I previously removed all these numbers one Monday evening last November as I found them to be unobtainable. It was just after National Express East Coast gave up its franchise and I'd gone to change the name of the company on the database entries. I figured that the change in ownership might have been the reason for the numbers stopping working; perhaps they'd moved offices.
A week later someone requested the numbers and pointed out their disappearance and the fact that they still worked (the first post on this thread). I re-instated them after finding that they did in fact work during office hours.
Try them out tomorrow and let me know by posting on this thread. It might be a good idea to add a note to them saying that they (the 0191 numbers) go unobtainable when they are closed.