From the OP, it would seem E.on may have discontinued or be about to discontinue the 0800 number anyway. As most of their other numbers are 0845, I think my point that, with 600 LESS staff answering the phones, customers will be on hold for even longer (see OP) costing those customers even more thus, with the saving of 1 call centre and 600 employees and on-costs, bossting E.on's profits even higher. I note from loddon's post that they do quote a number for international callers, maybe the writer of the OP would like to ttry that and report back. (We are not with E.on but with EDF who follow a similar format - 0800 for power cuts, at least 0845 for everything else, I resorted to emailing last year & that did work reasonably well, at least I managed to deal with the same person each time, unlike call centres!)