Hi Gemma and welcome to SAYNOTO0870.COM.
The Chesterfield is one of a number of branch offices around the country. The head office address is:
Cafcass National Office
6th Floor
Sanctuary Buildings
Great Smith Street
Tel: 0844 353 3350
Fax: 0844 353 3351
The head office and four local offices (including Chesterfield) use 0844 numbers and the rest use geographical numbers.
Here's a photograph and description of Hayfield House:
http://www.sagerealty.com/PropertiesUK/Alard/Chesterfield-Castle%20Donnington.ht...Peak Performance is based at Hayfield House. Web:
www.peakperformance.net Tel: 01246 244200 Fax: 01246 244205
Some websites list Synthetic Industries (Europe) Ltd as being based there as well, but its
UK contact page (note the clueless international telephone numbers starting 011 44
) shows it is now based elsewhere in Chesterfield with the same phone numbers.