This is the organisation formerly known as the
Telephone Helplines Association, noted and lauded for arranging for many 080 numbers to be free to call from mobiles, including the 0808 80 range which is reserved for its members.
contact us page of the website contains a price declaration message, which happily fails to promote the discounted rates for calling 0845 numbers from BT. The same is sadly untrue of a similar message on the
FAQ page, which quotes out of date prices, although it does contain the warning that "mobiles will cost considerably more". That page also points out that there is no special arrangement available for special pricing of 0845 calls from mobiles.
From my dealings with this organisation, I would be most reluctant to accept that there is any intention to deceive or to promote deceit by members. I would strongly urge anyone with any concerns about the endorsement of 0845 numbers, or helpful suggestions about how pricing advice should be provided, to make contact.
It may also be worth exploring whether any of the approved providers of helpline services offer good rates on 03 numbers. If not, then this is certainly something to be encouraged. BT, a known advocate of 03 numbers and a major provider to public services, is the only listed provider. It is therefore very likley that such arrangements already exist for members of its "Charities Club". I also know of at least one other provider of 03 numbers that could perhaps be encouraged to get in on this.
If anyone would like further information and relevant contact details, please PM or email me.
One must remember that 0845 and 0844 numbers are very attractive to charity helpline providers because they enable calls to be switched around to recorded information and to different pick up points relatively cheaply (because of the revenue share). If callers have BT landlines, they (especially 0845) can be cheap to call. This is not the whole story however, and it is vital that the situation is properly understood. I only make this point so that we can remember that there is not necessarily a deliberate intention to deceive.