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National Express Coaches (Read 97,874 times)
Dave Rado
Junior Member

Posts: 58
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National Express Coaches ( 08717 818178)
Reply #15 - Feb 24th, 2014 at 2:45pm

If you search for National Express on your database, it offers 0121 460 8400, but this number no longer exists. (It also offers some rail numbers but these aren't relevant to coach queries).

If you search for the contact us number that National Express advertise, which is 08717 818178, it offers:

020 7730 0654, which gets through to a completely different company.

0121 254 6333, which is almost always engaged or if not, it literally rings forever (I held for half an hour before giving up - and this doesn't happen with 08717 818178 - you get straight through).

01304 242767, which does get through to a National Express booking line (yay!) but they can't put one through to customer services.


1) Please could you delete from the database all of the above numbers other than 01304 242767?

2) Can anyone track down a landline alternative to 08717 818178 that allows one to get put through to customer services?

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Dave Rado
Junior Member

Posts: 58
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Re: National Express Coaches ( 08717 818178)
Reply #16 - Feb 24th, 2014 at 2:47pm
3) Please could you figure out why the only valid number you have for National Express, which is 01304 242767, comes up if your search for 08717 818178, but doesn't come up if you search for National Express?


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Re: National Express Coaches
Reply #17 - Feb 24th, 2014 at 5:02pm
Dave Rado, I have joined your posting to the existing thread for National Express Coaches. It was only reported to us a couple of weeks ago (see previous postings) that 0121 452 8000 /01 /02 /17 didn't work and that 01304 242767 does but is only the ticket sales office, rather than the main customer services number.

1) As requested, I have removed entries with 0121 460 8400, 0121 254 6333 and 020 7730 0654 in.

01304 242767 is now a verified alternative to 0871 781 8178 and 0871 781 8181 with a note which clearly states (well I think it's quite crystal clear) that it is bookings only and not customer services.

2) Reviewing this thread we have generally not had an alternative for National Express. All we can do is line up what we do know:

The number 0121 460 8400 was previously the head office switchboard. It now goes through to a message which I recognise as being part of an office telephone system. Therefore, I suggest that the number is in service but that the extension it routed to is no longer there. So, perhaps others in that range might work. I might be worth trying, i.e. 0121 460 8401 etc.

Let us know what you find. I can add entries with any numbers that are found to work.

3) I comes up for a search of National Express for me. Try it again as the entries now in the database are new ones.
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« Last Edit: Feb 24th, 2014 at 5:03pm by Dave »  
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Re: National Express Coaches
Reply #18 - Jun 25th, 2014 at 9:23am
Here is some news on the National Express numbers:-

1)  01304-242767
Engaged for over 30 min today, Wed morning, 25 Jun.  I gave up.

2)  0121-460 8400
Tried 3 times, each time getting an American-voice recording starting with "This call cannot be concluded as dialled..."

3)  0121-460 8401
I followed the suggestion to try another number in series, so I did.
The woman who answered said it was the press office (in Birmingham).  NB:  She did not recognise the number ending in 0!
She seemed to sympathise with my wish not to pay 10p/min, especially as the number was busy and there was a "high call volume".
She had no alternative number, nor could she transfer me, but helpfully offered to pass my requirement and contact details on to customer services for them to call me.

This was a few minutes ago, so I am now waiting for the the return call.

4)  020-7730 0654
Even though this number has been shown to be wrong/for another company I tried it anyway "for a laugh".
A very helpful man answered immediately, saying it was the Eurolines Operations Office.
He also offered me the known 0871 and Dover 01304 numbers...

BTW, I wanted to check some coach journey times/connections.
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« Last Edit: Jun 25th, 2014 at 9:30am by DAS2014 »  
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Re: National Express Coaches
Reply #19 - Jun 27th, 2014 at 7:41pm
This is an interesting snippet from the National Express website:

"How do I arrange assistance for my journey?
If you have a mobility impairment or other disability please call us at least 36 hours before you are due to travel on 03717 81 81 81 (0044 3717 81 81 81 from overseas).

Our lines are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Alternatively, you can send us an email at DPTH@nationalexpress.com

Click here to access our Assisted Travel Page which also contains our Disabled Code of Practice.

A textphone is provided for customers who are deaf or hard of hearing on 0121 622 2717 (0044 121 622 2717 from overseas)."

Note that they have amended the Disability helpline to an 0371 number, and also their text phone line is in the "622" range. Perhaps another number in this range may get you customer services?

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Posts: 3
Manchester, UK
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Re: National Express Coaches
Reply #20 - Jan 14th, 2015 at 3:14pm
Hi Dave

I have just tried the 01304 242 767 number to book a ticket, having twice been unable to on the website (unfortunately we were unable to process this request) and there's a recorded message giving a new number 01304 202 780. I tried this number which rang for about 5 or 10 minutes then cut off with a message "Sorry there is no reply". I then used the online contact form on their website asking for either a geographical number or for someone to ring me back so I could book my ticket and got a very quick email response (not the 5 days the website says it COULD be) saying the guy would call me or, if he wasn't able to, to call 03717 818181 which seems to be their after sales customer service but they were able to take a booking for me, although there was a £2 booking fee rather than £1 it would have cost me booking online. They seemed very helpful so it's worth giving it a try whether you want to book a ticket OR speak to customer services. I hope that helps everyone.  Smiley
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Manchester, UK
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Re: National Express Coaches
Reply #21 - Jan 14th, 2015 at 3:18pm
Just as an after thought, I suppose the 03717 is classified as a geographical number rather than a 10p per minute one as opposed to the 08717 one that *does* cost 10p per minute? I never thought of that. My call plan gives me free calls to 01, 02, 03 and 0845/0870 so hopefully it will be included. Anyway I'm sure others will know for sure one way or the other.  Tongue
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Re: National Express Coaches
Reply #22 - Jan 14th, 2015 at 6:15pm
Mancunian_Nick wrote on Jan 14th, 2015 at 3:18pm:
Just as an after thought, I suppose the 03717 is classified as a geographical number rather than a 10p per minute one as opposed to the 08717 one that *does* cost 10p per minute? I never thought of that. My call plan gives me free calls to 01, 02, 03 and 0845/0870 so hopefully it will be included. Anyway I'm sure others will know for sure one way or the other.  Tongue

03717 is part of the 03 numbering range, you say you have inclusive 03 minutes so yes the call will be inclusive. Wink
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« Last Edit: Jan 14th, 2015 at 6:16pm by bigjohn »  

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Posts: 3
Manchester, UK
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Re: National Express Coaches
Reply #23 - Jan 14th, 2015 at 6:43pm
Thanks for the confirmation, bigjohn. I was hoping/thinking that would be right. Well hopefully that will do the trick for people wanting to book tickets or speak to customer services. Just say you were having problems with the website or use their "contact us" form on the website requesting a call back as a last resort.  Wink
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Posts: 3
Re: National Express Coaches
Reply #24 - Jun 5th, 2017 at 1:56pm
Hi everybody,

Well, it looks like the 01304 202780 number for telesales may finally have died a death.

National Express' website (http://www.nationalexpressgroup.com/tools/contact-us/) has the following to say about what number to use for what:

Call: 0871 781 8181 for
  • Bookings
  • General travel enquiries

Call: 0371 781 8181 for
  • Amendments
  • After sales enquiries
  • Assisted travel
  • Cancellations
  • Complaints
  • On the day travel
  • Refunds
  • Validations

You can also now live chat on their site at http://www.nationalexpress.com/help-and-advice/contact-us.aspx.

I do however have a cheeky workaround for telesales.

All National Express tickets (apart from funfares*), coachcards and open return ticket validations can be bought from a large number of local agents, listed at http://www.nationalexpress.com/coach_ims/pdf/activeagentslist.pdf.  This includes all branches of the national travel agent chain STA Travel (http://www.statravel.co.uk/find_store.htm).  What's more, they don't charge the £2/£5 telesales booking fee.

So, you can look up a local agent then give them a call (or pop in) to buy a ticket.

You can also now buy tickets (for a £1 fee) from some Post Offices.

So, if you can't buy online, you can use an agent and for everything apart from buying the initial ticket, you can call the 03 number.

Would it be worth making a note on the main site that there is no non-0871 telesales number, but that you can call someone from the agent list to buy tickets and coachcards?

*funfares are online only, so even telesales won't sell them.  Also, only some agents will sell you season tickets or carnets, which you can't buy online.
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Global Moderator

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Re: National Express Coaches
Reply #25 - Jun 6th, 2017 at 11:11am
Good Afternoon Skoob

Thanks for the update regarding National Express Coaches.

Sadly I feel it's not a surprise that they have done this.  Perhaps a phone system update or a change in number routing has caused this.

I have removed the 01304 alternative to the 0871 number based on it no longer being recognised, however should another alternative be found, the entry can be reinstated easily.

With regards to the PDF link, I will look at the best way of getting that placed on the database as an alternative to calling the 0871 number for NatEx Coaches.

Thanks again,  Smiley

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