The address is available on the Yours Clothing website in a number of places, although not on the contact page. Perhaps a friendly suggestion to them that they could make the address more prominent would achieve this.
I performed two simple steps to obtain the geographic number of the head office:
As the contact page didn't yield the address, I looked on the
terms and conditions page. The first term states:
Quote:1.1 In this Agreement, we are Size Up Clothing Stores Limited, 1184 Lincoln Road, Werrington, Peterborough, PE4 6LA and you are the person detailed on the Order Forms.
Then I went to
BT Phonebook and them up:
Quote:Size Up Clothing Stores Ltd
Tel: (01733) 575780
1184 Lincoln Rd, Werrington, Peterborough, PE4 6LQ
I have listed this number in the database with a link to the page giving contact details for the stores.