JoeCurry wrote on Apr 25
th, 2010 at 7:50pm:
NHS matters in Scotland are a devolved issue
The respective governments in both Scotland and Wales are being briefed on developments in England and are (apparently) looking into the issue on their own account. I have had contact with officials undertaking this work in both countries.
In neither case is the density of 084-using GPs as great as it is in England, although it is still significant. It seems that in both cases they are waiting to see what happens in England. It is normal for equivalent changes to the GP contracts to follow after a short delay.
The issue of NHS24 may be a little different from that for NHS Direct (which operates for both England and Wales, separately but using the same telephone number.) I am not aware of any commitment from NHS Scotland to the 111 idea. The justification used for retaining 0845 4647 does not therefore apply.
If any member is involved in the situation with the NHS in Northern Ireland, it would be good to have an update on what may be the situation there.