Ofcom today published a call for inputs which seeks initial stakeholder views on its review of non-geographic phone numbers (03, 070, 08, 09 and 118).
The document can be found here:
1.1 We are reviewing the rules governing non-geographic calls services delivered to consumers using telephone numbers beginning with 03, 070, 08, 09 and 118.
1.2 Under the Communications Act, Ofcom creates and defines these number ranges through our responsibility for the maintenance and development of the National Telephone Numbering Plan and responsibilities with respect to telecommunication systems regulations and dispute resolution.
1.3 Using these telephone numbers, a wide range of services are offered to callers (consumers) and to public and private organisations who receive calls. Delivering these services involves a diverse set of participants , joined in complex commercial relationships that have been shaped by, amongst other things, regulation.
1.4 We want to consider whether and if so how regulation might need to be adapted or reduced, in the interests of consumers. We want any reform to enhance (or at least preserve) the features consumers value, and encourage new services for the benefit of consumers.
1.5 This 'Call for Inputs' asks for views, from all interested parties including consumers, about the main issues relating to non-geographic numbers before developing our detailed options and proposals. The responses we receive will help us identify the issues and frame our thinking and approach to addressing them. We, therefore, urge all respondents to be as full and frank as possible in responding to this call for inputs.
1.6 As well as calling for inputs, we are reviewing existing approaches (our own and others) and surveying consumers (callers) to understand how and why they value (or do not value) these services. We are also gathering information on the technical and financial structure of the markets via requests for information through our formal powers and targeted questions to stakeholders at different points in the value chain.
1.7 Once we have reviewed all the information and views, we plan to publish our analysis and our proposals, in the autumn.
To help you in deciding what points you wish to make, we have suggested some questions below. We will consider all the views set out and information provided with responses, not only those focused on these questions.
Consumer experience
* Does today's market for non-geographic call services work well for consumers (callers)?
* Are the services satisfactory in terms of value for money, quality and range of services?
* Are consumers able to access the services with confidence and with sufficient understanding of what is being provided and what are the terms of the sale?
If not:
* What aspects of it do not work well?
* What are the observed outcomes or characteristics of the services that you think demonstrate that the market is not working well?
* What do you consider to be the cause of those negative impacts?
* Are there particular concerns with respect to specific number ranges?
* What changes would you suggest? How would these address the issues you have raised?
* Is there a requirement for changes to the National Telephone Numbering Plan in terms of changes to the definition or controls over the number ranges?
* Are the ways the services are currently provided and charged for equitable, in that do they treat different types of consumers fairly or are some types of consumers disadvantaged in terms of access to services or the costs of services?