Dave wrote on Jul 8
th, 2011 at 6:42pm:
SilentCallsVictim wrote on Jul 8
th, 2011 at 4:11am:
Dave wrote on Jul 7
th, 2011 at 8:55pm:
Derby Road Health Centre in Nottingham, having previously given a 0115 number on its website alongside the 0844 number has finally dropped its 0844 number in favour of 0115 only.
http://www.drhc.org.uk/contact-us The 0844 number is still shown on NHS Choices and appears on the website for "out of hours" calls.
This looks like a case where a surgery has published its own direct number, but still has the out of hours switching configured at the exchange on the 0844 number. It may warrant investigation!
This is the sort of nonsense I would expect from a certain surgery telephone system provider.
Indeed, there is a lot of rubbish on this site!
Having made one suggestion that was shown to be ridiculous by information not available to me when I proposed it, let me attempt another.
It would seem from what is published above, and from further investigation, that 0115 837 7987 does appear to operate in exactly the same way as the 0844 number. Some of the information published on the website is indeed untrue, as calling 0115 973 8810 gives access to the out of hours routing (and this can be accessed by dialling 0115 837 9787). The website suggests that the latter number is only for daytime use and the 0844 number should be used when calling "out of hours".
I had not done this test when previously making an allegedly nonsensical suggestion based on what the surgery says. I had also failed to recognise that the earlier posting was referring to two different 0115 numbers.
The website states that calling 0115 837 7987 will give engaged tone if more than 10 callers are queuing and that the 10 call queue is due to "more virtual lines". If this is also untrue, because it should refer to 0115 973 8810 (which previously appeared on the website, perhaps above the same text), then we have a case where a 0115 number is doing everything that a 0844 number can do. This suggestion is supported by information from the website, not previously highlighted:
Quote:New Telephone Number
Don't forget our new telephone number for those wishing to call us on a 0115 number is 0115 8377987. The 0844 number will also remain functional for the time being.
If this is so, then we can dismiss any suggestion that only non-geographic numbers can provide network-based queuing. Some may wish to take this further to suggest that all geographic numbers offer the same facilities as non-geographic numbers. One could then go further still by saying that because no GP surgery needs the benefit of geographic anonymity, there is no purpose in suggesting that a 03 number could offer any benefit to a GP.
At the risk of being accused of promoting the interests of the telephone industry, I will state that I do not agree with the final conclusion of the preceding paragraph. The logic of the paragraph is flawed. I do not expect those who cannot see the flaw to share my view. I will continue to promote migration to 03 as the natural solution for NHS GPs with systems that depend on network waiting and are presently using 084 numbers. I will continue to expect opposition to this position from many quarters.
I would also suggest that one, potentially the best, way of understanding why a surgery has three working telephone numbers is to ask the Practice Manager. I can however understand why those who feel that they are engaged in a war against a deceitful and wicked enemy would not wish to engage with them nor grant any credence whatsoever to any statement they make.