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Tfl's outsourced Oyster card 0845 call centre (Read 38,425 times)

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Tfl's outsourced Oyster card 0845 call centre
Oct 29th, 2010 at 1:08pm
Hello Mods and phone tariff sympathisers,

I have received some answers to the information on Oystercard 0845 numbers.

The information was given out here: http://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/oyster_card_helpline#incoming-123506

As far as I can understand, Prejudice to commercial interest could well be contradicted by a further request for specific information regarding a 'customer service specific' number - one which does not relate to emergency calls.  Tfl's duty as a service provider would be to give a specific phone number bypassing the cost-generating call centre.  It all depends on how they have wired the arrangement as to whether they can get away with not relinquishing such a number.

Any users familiar with commercial law able to help out the public with this request?

Other than that this, I do not know if the response provides us with useful information which could help.   Again, someone with knowledge on what steps to take is welcome to use the information provided in a productive manner.


The Capt.
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Re: Tfl's outsourced Oyster card 0845 call centre
Reply #1 - Oct 29th, 2010 at 3:05pm
One of the benefits of non-geographic numbers is that they enable calls to be moved around to various call centres depending on a variety of factors. If the PSTN is used then there will possibly be several geographic numbers that are used. Undoubtedly there could be benefit in discovering some of these, however it would not necessarily be a like-for-like alternative, as is desired.

The key issue, as admitted in the response, is that TFL is letting customers fund part of the cost of using the service. Exactly the same service could be provided on a 03 number, indeed the 0345 equivalent could be brought into use, in parallel or as a replacement, within a matter of days. This would however mean that TFL stakeholders would be fully funding the service, rather than enjoying a small contribution from those who call it.

The fact that the premium cost involved in calling 0845 numbers is generally well in excess of the very modest benefit derived is the strongest argument in favour of abandoning use of 0845 numbers.
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Re: Tfl's outsourced Oyster card 0845 call centre
Reply #2 - Oct 31st, 2010 at 3:08pm
Another FoI has been sent to TfL on the new travel information number, 0843 222 1234:

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Re: Tfl's outsourced Oyster card 0845 call centre
Reply #3 - Nov 1st, 2010 at 7:52pm
An FoI response from TfL gives the address where calls are answered to the new information line 0843 222 1234:


4th Floor,
Zone G4,
14 Pier Walk,
North Greenwich,
SE10 0ES
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Re: Tfl's outsourced Oyster card 0845 call centre
Reply #4 - May 4th, 2013 at 2:58pm
Seen in the South London Press dated Fri. 3rd May (sorry I cant do a link) that it is now possible to claim back unused money on old Oyster Cards, also the deposit on unused Oyster, and wait for it  Grin they have got an 0343 222 1234 number. It should also be able to get a refund at any Tube Station within a few weeks.

Lets hope this is not the only number that they have moved to 03
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