derrick wrote on Feb 9
th, 2011 at 9:45am:
You don't ask,you don't get
Well I did ask, and got what I expected. Some excerpts from the Decision Notice:
The complainant has requested the underlying geographical telephone number for Transport for London’s (“TfL”) 0843 travel information line. TfL withheld this information on the basis of the commercial interest exemption (section 43(2)).
The Commissioner’s decision is that TfL was correct to withhold this information under this exemption.
Therefore Commissioner does not require TfL to take any steps.
The commercial interest exemption states that information is exempt if disclosure would or would be likely to prejudice the commercial interests of any person (including the public authority holding it).
In this case the requested information relates to the main telephone number (0843 222 1234) for the TfL Transport Information Centre's helpline.1 The request is for the geographical number that underlies this 0843 number. TfL has explained that there are, in fact, a number of geographical numbers that underlie the 0843 number.
TfL has withheld this information on the basis that disclosure would be likely to prejudice its commercial interests.
In reaching a view on the application of this exemption the Commissioner has first considered whether the potential prejudice argued by TfL relates to the interest identified in this exemption – i.e. if the prejudice were to occur, would this prejudice relate to the commercial interests of TfL?
TfL has informed the Commissioner that when a caller rings the 0843 telephone number, depending on the nature of their query, the call may be routed through one of several different geographic telephone numbers across multiple sites. It has further explained that, "Each of these call centres is run by one of several different suppliers on our behalf, each of whom deals with different aspects of London travel (e.g. bus enquiries, London Underground, refunds, etc). Each supplier is paid according to the number of calls handled." It has argued that if the withheld information were to be disclosed, this would result in calls being made to the wrong sites, which would require calls to be rerouted to the correct call centre. As each call centre supplier is paid according to the number of calls handled, this would result in increased costs to TfL.
The Commissioner considers that the relationship between TfL and these service providers is of a commercial nature, in that it relates to the costs incurred through a commercial contract. Bearing this in mind, he is satisfied that the potential prejudicial effects argued by TfL do relate to its commercial interests.
In addition to this, bearing in mind the above arguments, the Commissioner is satisfied that there is a causal relationship between the potential disclosure of the withheld information and prejudice to the commercial interests of TfL. Furthermore, he is satisfied that the resultant prejudice (if it were to occur) would be real and of substance.
Next the Commissioner has gone on to consider whether the disclosure of this information would be likely to prejudice the commercial interests of TfL.
In reaching a decision on the question of the likelihood of prejudice the Commissioner considers that the expression ‘likely to prejudice’ means that the chance of prejudice being suffered should be more than a hypothetical possibility – there must be a real and significant risk.
As noted above, TfL has informed the Commissioner that when a caller rings the 0843 telephone number, depending on the nature of the query, the call may be routed to one of several different call centres. Calls are routed to the correct call centre by the use of an Interactive Voice Response system ("IVR system") on the 0843 number. The call centres are run by different call centre suppliers, which handle calls on behalf of TfL in relation to specific aspects of London travel. TfL pays each supplier according to the number of calls that are handled by that supplier’s employees.
TfL has argued that if the withheld information were to be disclosed there would be a significant chance that callers would call one of the geographic numbers (i.e. the withheld information) rather than the main 0843 number. It has referred the Commissioner to various websites promoting the use of geographic numbers, rather than central 08 telephone numbers, in order to support this argument.
Without the IVR system in place to route calls to the correct call centre, given that there are a number of geographic telephone numbers that underlie the 0843 number, there would be a significant chance that many calls made directly to the geographic numbers would be made to the wrong call centre. These would then have to be rerouted to the correct call centre. The net result of this would be that two call centre suppliers (both the one who had received the incorrect call and the one to whom the call was redirected to) would then both be able to bill TfL for the handling of one call.