Hello and welcome to SAYNOTO0870.COM.
The webpage at
www.gdmr.com says that the domain is for sale. The whois (registration information for that address) gives an address in Scotland with e-mail address @nucom.com which appears to be the company which is selling it. Where have you got the e-mail address from?
What is the Gibraltar address you have and where have you got it from? Same goes for the two 0871 numbers.
The correct address for this company is
www.geodemographicmarketresearch.com although it doesn't give an e-mail address; there's just an electronic form on the contact page with no address and no terms and conditions or privacy pages either.
Whois geodemographicmarketresearch.com gives the following:
Quote:domain: geodemographicmarketresearch.com
owner: John Smith
address: Garrison House
address: Library Ramp
city: Gibraltar
state: Gibraltar
postal-code: GI22
country: GI
phone: +350.78322
The website
Panorama.gi lists this phone number for "Bob" in the evenings only; see
Google results.
I would urge due caution with this! This is simply information I've found and (as ever) therefore give no guarantees of its effectiveness. The lack of terms and conditions leaves me to wonder about this company...