I would like to ask a general question of all readers and contributors to this Forum who have a particular interest in the problem of doctors (GPs) using 0845 and 0844 numbers.
Some assiduous people have managed to find out the geographic number which lies behind their own GP's much disliked 0844 and 0845. I ask all the of you who are lucky enough to be able to use an alternative geographic number
HOW WELL DOES IT WORK FOR YOU? Have you noticed any differences between when you use the geo number and when you use the 084 number?
Have you found any particular problems?
Have you found any improvements or benefits?
Is the phone answered any differently when you use the geo number?
This is a terribly important matter and I hope as many people as possible will respond. We really need to get as much information as possible on this. If anybody wishes they are most welcome to respond to me by private message if they do not want to say things in the open Forum.
All feedback and information will be treated confidentially if you ask, and will be invalualble to us in our ongoing campaign about GP's numbers.
Please respond as fully as you can and MANY THANKS for your help.
Best wishes to all NHS patients in their battle to avoid 084 numbers.