Barbara wrote on Jun 22
nd, 2011 at 2:51pm:
My point is that really TPS is now very outdated and needs to get up to date with the technology and that OFCOM should start taking these matters seriously, they are there I think to act on behalf of the public and the public is suffering unnecessary harrassment from these organisations, I accept they can't do much if numbers are withheld but in this case, that is not the situation. If you look at the forum on this on whocallsme, loads of people have complained to BT with very little result yet this organisaiton is claiming to be part of or working for BT! Of course, another answer could be for there to be an "opt in" system for marketing calls which a customer decided when setting up their line with their provider and a ban on auto-dialling.
As someone who is very technologically minded, I cannot see how the TPS could possibly achieve the aims you are suggesting it should.
What you are suggesting is that a third party, which isn't involved in the origination, transit or delivery of any telephone call, could prevent telephone calls.
bigjohn wrote on Jun 22
nd, 2011 at 7:47pm:
Margaret. If you call the number you get a BT announcement saying you have been called by one of there partners CCA Intl.
It tells you that you can find there approved partners at Indeed. Thanks bigjohn, I was going to mention that address but you beat me too it. I got that when I was called by a company on behalf of BT and it goes to a page which gives the names, addresses and contact numbers for all the outsourcing companies it uses.
On it, there is:
Scammers often claim that they are calling from large companies well known companies, so just because someone says that they are from a particular company does not necessarily mean that they are.
However, the fact that this number gives the recorded message bigjohn says it does rather shortens the odds that this is a genuine call from CCA International on behalf of BT.
I would enquire, using the published 020 number, as to whether it really was CCA calling, and if so why.
As no calls have been answered, there is no evidence that they intended to call Barbara. It could be that the number is recorded as being someone else's.
As I say, the most effective way to achieving the end of getting the calls stopped is to ring the 020 number and explain the situation. I'm sure that any upstanding company will see that it doesn't call you again.