I've taken from the company's website the addresses and published phone numbers for its branches and these are listed below.
Internet Archive's Wayback Machine stores websites and so allows one to look back at how they used to be. I did this with Browns' and obtained the geographic numbers given prior to the introduction of the 0844 numbers. I have put these numbers below in red.
I cannot find any record of a geographic number for Stony Stratford as it only has the 0844 number. It appears that the 0844 numbers were introduced in 2007.
current recruitment page gives the Buckingham address, as does
Whois browns-hair.co.uk (that's a look-up of the registration data for this internet address). The
terms page gives 0844 999
0365 for appointments. I suggest that these are the head office address and phone number.
http://www.browns-hair.co.uk/pages/siteinfo/sitecontacts.htm]contact page in March 2005[/url] gave the Buckingham address and telephone 01280 814405 and fax 01280 823557. These are different to the above number previously published for the Buckingham salon.
BT Phonebook has three entries for Browns in Market Hill, Buckingham:
1. Browns Hairdressing Group Hairdressing
(This is the salon's 0844 number)Tel: 0844 999 2365
2. Browns Hairdressing Group
Tel: (01280) 824805
3. Browns Management Services Ltd
Tel: (01280) 816129
All but Stamford salon has a BT Phonebook entry which gives its 0844 number.
Some thoughts on this:
Appointments can be booked online.
As Browns is a chain, I suggest that phone calls to all branches' 0844 numbers might be answered at the head office. To have customers ringing individual branches will presumably mean stylists stopping what they are doing to answer the phone, or for there to be a staff member available at each to take calls. Thus, a centralised approach would seem to be the most likely. If you know differently, then please let us know.
I suggest that the head office numbers to try are 01280 814405, 824805 and 816129.
It is important to be mindful that the geographic numbers used behind the 0844 ones might never have been published, in which case we won't find them. It might be that they are the same as they were previously (i.e. those above) or that they are different.
Edited: 01234 711554 now belongs to another company.