I see in the case you cite there was with only two telcos, for us, we now have five. Competition has to be allowed, but the sub-allocation it allows, creates a complexity of a magnitude, few would believe.
Note: requesting an 0370 prefix will have the port request declined by the rangeholder, if your CP does not send it as a tied request. ie tied to the 084x/087x number you now possess. Ofcom has allocated these ranges, 037x & 034x only for prior users of teh resepctive 084x and 087x numbers. This snippet alone, had we known it - even our CP didn't, would have saved us two months hassle.
It took us months to find this and get clarity. When you don't know something even exists and ofcom despite numerous calls doesn't tell you, and you don't know to ask, you're stumped. So for you, only 'cos I like you, ofcom doc: NGNPE2E version 13 (at present) page 26.
Non-Geographic Number PortabilityEnd-to-End Process Manual
Version 13
http://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=1&sqi=2&ved=0CBsQFjAA&url=http%3A... page 26-27
All parties concerned can only give one of two objections to a successful port.
These are:
1. The end-user does not have the existing 087x equivalent in port. (We assume you do)
2. The rangeholder does not have the 037x number as part of their number-block allocation. (they have not applied to ofcom for it yet)
Having got that, tehn you can claim your 037x/034x migration. getting it is anotehr story. One for us, with our last port request declined, for reasons we're still not sure of, yet to have a happy ending.
We were never fans of the telcos, and this experience only reinforces our veiw, but our hands are tied.
10-12 years ago we were using 07000 which was worse. Again we took no revenue from 07000. There was no revenue share on them anyway.
Of course we got a complex switch in return, but all we were actually doing was making our product more expensive to our custoemrs and feeding a telco. 0870 only slightly improved the situation, but as we said, in our case, we saw no revenue share, even when you could get it.
Like this site, we're no freinds of the telcos, we see them as necessary evil.
The less we say about our reseller the better. We'll keep you posted.
Whilst we need a regualtor, the 'government money' uses to run that bloated quango, is our money. Never forget, teh government has no money, only
'our money', and I'll bet ofcom alone costs us more of 'our money' than it has ever saved. As a 'make-work' scheme we pay for, Ofcom is good for Ofcom, i'm not so sure it's quite so good for us.
Our next point few will like...
SayNoto0870, dare we say, (as a premise) is to some extent flawed.
And I know we're going to cause a fuss here.You see, NGNs are used by business. To call a business you are caling a building somewhere, with staff to pay.
They need lunch breaks, coffee, maternity leave, holiday pay, natioanal insurance, payroll, employer contribution, sick pay, health & safety, and lest we forget Business rates, rent, heating, plant, stock, maintenance, cleaning for teh building you are calling. The list goes on.
In no way does the cost of any call at 0870 rates pay for the person you are expecting to answer you call, yet a business must do so somehow. In soem ways a premium rate call introduces the reality check needed by some callers to the real cost of all this. Often its teh same customers taht would demand the very best sevice, that would carp the most about the cost of any call.
A business has to make money somewhere, and profit may be a dirty word, but without it, not much around you would exist. No profit is No taxes. If a premium rate call was standard to all business, it would introduce a level playing field and be part of a reality very much needed in our country.
That's a bit of a leap, OK a vast leap, but bear with us...
For too long we've let our politiicians borrow money to keep us sweet and them in power, thus the country has been living on borrowed money. It has fed the public sector, and our elite, from a private sector with things it can't afford. The public in general in the next few years is going to have to get used to paying for something right now, instead of voting for politicans tthat just borrow it. Because sooner or later, as is happening as we speak, you run out of other people's money. Lots voted for it - now, it's pay-up time.
I admire the premise of SayNOto0870, yet someone has to pay, somewhere. If it's not to be the caller to that business, whom tehn? Why is the business there? Often people calling businesses need to be aware, 'that' is what they are doing. Dirty we know, but profit is jobs and taxes.
That is an over simplified argument, I'll say that again, over simplified, a premium rate to all business, wouldn't work in all cases, but come on...
We can't keep expectign the person paying to be someone else. It's gotta be you. A hard reality we are about to face.
We politely, suggest you rename this site,
OK, we'll standby, thr