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Migration Snags Moving from 0870 to 0370 NGN Nos. (Read 14,853 times)

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Migration Snags Moving from 0870 to 0370 NGN Nos.
Sep 12th, 2011 at 7:59pm
Migration Moving from 0370 to 0870 NGN Numbers.
We are business users of NGN 0870, and forgive us, 07000 numbers, too. We are trying and failing to migrate to a 0370 number. And get rid of our 07000 numbers too.

This is a story of hassles and general headache, yet it's something we needed to do, yet had we known, frankly, we'd never have started it.

Eleven months later we still have not been able to achieve a successful migration of our 0870 number to 0370.

Our 0370 moniker on this forum, is  to date  mere, wishful thinking.

I'm going to put this up, for the 0870 naysayers, and yes, we do see the issues, we're not fans eitehr. But, more  for the business users, like us, that have to deal with far more than  a few gripes, 'cos believe us, so far, the Telcos have taken more from us, than we care to think about.

Let us start by saying we have never made one cent from revenue share on any 0870 number. To get what has to be just about the cleanest 0870 number around,  , we had to forego this. We wanted a smooth good-as-it-gets number., and we think we have it. We want to keep it, and it was never about the revenue, although it would have been nice, we wanted a clean memorable number, and our  provider took any revenue as a condition of supply. I'll repeat, not one cent have we had in revenue-share to it. We paid far more to get this, than we were ever going to get  back in revenue, so it was not about revenue share.

Most companies have responded to the 0870 debacle by slowly introducing   a completely new number, but for us, because it is 'that' number, we wanted to keep it. It's a bit special we think. We'd heard that we can migrate to an 0370 equivalent and foolishly thought, all we had to do was notify our Telco and all would be well.


Ofcom says:

1.1          034 & 037 Migration Order
1.1.1     Following the introduction and implementation of 03 UK wide numbers, end users of 084x and 087x numbers have the right to migrate away from these numbers to the “matching” 034x/037x numbers. If the 084x or 087x number has been exported, the Gaining Communications Provider (the end users Current CP) should approach the Range Holder of the equivalent 034x/037x number and request the export of the matching 03 number by sending a provide order. On receipt of the provide order the Range Holder will validate the order by checking that they have the equivalent 084x/087x number on export to the CP that has originated the request. This is the only validation required, as there is no end-user data to validate.
1.1.2     If the order is validated successfully the Range Holder will bring that number into service on their network and then export the number.


Not quite as easy as ofcom would have us think. And it took months to source the above info.

If like us, your 087x number over time, gets moved away from the rangeholder, at every hop away,  you're one more stage form simplicity. Often this happens without your knowledge. And it will pile on the hassle. Throw in resellers that will obstruct your moving of the  number, add in some corporate structure that seems to conspire to not act and you have a cocktail of reasons not to get a simple migration.

This could turn into a rant.... I think it already has.

First you need to understand Telco jargon, and with NGNs you have a Rangeholder. The rangeholder in our case , like most, a big corporate. Essentially the rangeholder is the core supplier that gets the number allocation originally from Ofcom. They hold the 0870 and thus get allocated its equivalent 0370. You are locked to them.

Our 0870 number was originally purchased and then rented from a reseller,  now most resellers have  no equipment themselves, and ours did not, so it sat on the rangeholder's 'switch'. Had it stayed that way I think it would have been easy.

Unfortunately the reseller,   ported the number out to another supplier   , without telling us, making us yet one more hop away from the rangeholder. So now we are two steps away from the rangeholder, and getting our 0370. But essentially we are still supplied by the reseller. This we understand is common practice.

Our reseller was unwilling to allow migration to 0370, because of the hassle and to some extent the loss of revenue share they were getting. This locked us in.

We were at a point where most companies give up their 087x to 0370 migration path, and get a completely new number. For us, we still wanted our   number. But to move away from the reseller makes the situation, one stage worse.

Obstructing the migration, and with heavy charges also, we bit teh bullet, made the decision to get away from our original reseller. They would obstruct  migration remember. But this then puts, yet another step way from the rangeholder, We  changed our reseller anyway. This stage alone took 6 months and Ofcom involvement to allow the porting away from the first resellers switch. We've managed to get rid of one obstacle, the first reseller ,and now have our 0870 on a new porting, but the rangeholder, for whom, we've never had direct  commercial agreement with, refuses to release the 0370 because if it.

We are getting there. And all we wanted was a  nice clean number with a some nice back-office call routing features to make calls easier for us and our custoemrs.

Be warned. For us anyway it has not been easy.
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« Last Edit: Sep 13th, 2011 at 9:53am by 03700000000 »  
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aka NHS.Patient, DH_fairtelecoms

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Re: Migration Snags Moving from 0870 to 0370 NGN No.s
Reply #1 - Sep 13th, 2011 at 12:53am

Thanks very much for openly sharing your experience.

This is not unlike that of a public body who went through a similarly painful process with a 0845 to 0345 migration, when there were only two telephone companies involved.

Our focus here is on the Service Providers such as yourselves, who have to make the initial decision to migrate, but there is much to say (as you have) about the impediments created by Telcos.

Ofcom could also do more to make the process more transparent. I am not sure if Ofcom could put more pressure on the Telcos to ease the process - please let us know if you have seen opportunities for Ofcom to aid the process that are being missed. Perhaps your reseller should not have been granted a license!

Life would obviously be easier if there were just a single provider, without the complexities of resellers and porting numbers, however Ofcom has to support a competitive market with a suitable degree of regulation.

It sadly goes without saying that the more the number of providers and the greater the opportunities for cost saving arrangements, the more complex the situation will become.

With every sympathy for your position, I will continue to promote 084/7 to 034/7 migration as a "simple" option. I remain fully aware that complications which Service Providers have introduced to their relationships with their telephone providers may have to be addressed.
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Re: Migration Snags Moving from 0870 to 0370 NGN No.s
Reply #2 - Sep 13th, 2011 at 8:28am
I see in the case you cite there was with only two telcos, for us, we now have five. Competition has to be allowed, but the sub-allocation it allows, creates a complexity of a magnitude, few would believe.

Note: requesting an 0370 prefix will have the port request declined by the rangeholder, if your CP does not send it as a tied request. ie tied to the 084x/087x  number you now possess. Ofcom has allocated these ranges, 037x & 034x only for prior users of teh resepctive 084x and 087x numbers. This snippet alone, had we known it - even our CP didn't, would have saved us two months hassle.

It took us months to find this and get clarity. When you don't know something even exists and ofcom despite numerous calls doesn't tell you, and you don't know to ask, you're stumped. So for you, only  'cos I like you,  ofcom doc: NGNPE2E version 13 (at present) page 26.

Non-Geographic Number Portability

End-to-End Process Manual

Version 13

http://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=1&sqi=2&ved=0CBsQFjAA&url=http%3A... page 26-27


All parties concerned can only give one of two objections to a successful port.
These are:

1. The end-user does not have the existing 087x equivalent in port. (We assume you do)
2. The rangeholder does not have the 037x number as part of their number-block allocation. (they have not applied to ofcom for it yet)

Having got that, tehn you can claim your 037x/034x migration. getting it is anotehr story. One for us, with our last port request declined, for reasons we're still not sure of, yet to have a happy ending.


We were never fans of the telcos, and this experience only reinforces our veiw, but our hands are tied.

10-12 years ago we were using 07000 which was worse. Again we took no revenue from 07000. There was no revenue share on them anyway.

Of course we got a complex switch in return, but all we were actually doing was making our product more expensive to our custoemrs and feeding a telco. 0870 only slightly improved the situation, but as we said, in our case, we saw no revenue share, even when you could get it.

Like this site, we're no freinds of the telcos, we see them as necessary evil.

The less we say about our reseller the better.  We'll keep you posted.

Whilst we need a regualtor, the 'government money' uses to run that bloated quango, is our money. Never forget, teh government has no money, only 'our money', and I'll bet ofcom alone costs us more of 'our money' than it has ever saved. As a 'make-work' scheme we pay for, Ofcom is good for Ofcom, i'm not so sure it's quite so good for us.

Our next point few will like...

SayNoto0870, dare we say, (as a premise) is to some extent flawed. And I know we're going to cause a fuss here.

You see, NGNs are used by business. To call a business you are caling a building somewhere, with staff to pay.

They need lunch breaks, coffee, maternity leave, holiday pay, natioanal insurance, payroll, employer contribution, sick pay, health & safety, and lest we forget Business rates, rent, heating, plant, stock, maintenance, cleaning for teh building you are calling. The list goes on.

In no way does the cost of any call at 0870 rates pay for the person you are expecting to answer you call, yet a business must do so somehow. In soem ways a premium rate call introduces the reality check needed by some callers to the real cost of all this. Often its teh same customers taht would demand the very best sevice, that would carp the most about the cost of any call.

A business has to make money somewhere, and profit may be a dirty word, but without it, not much around you would exist. No profit is No taxes. If a premium rate call was standard to  all business, it would introduce a level playing field and be part of a reality very much needed in our country.

That's a bit of a leap, OK a vast leap, but bear with us...

For too long we've let our politiicians borrow money to keep us sweet and them in power, thus the country has been living on borrowed money. It has fed the public sector, and our elite, from a private sector with things it can't afford. The public in general in the next few years is going to have to get used to paying for something right now, instead of voting for politicans tthat just borrow it. Because sooner or later, as is happening as we speak, you run out of other people's money. Lots voted for it - now, it's pay-up time.

I admire the premise of SayNOto0870, yet someone has to pay, somewhere. If it's not to be the caller to that business, whom tehn? Why is the business there? Often people calling businesses need to be aware, 'that' is what they are doing. Dirty we know, but profit is jobs and taxes.

That is an over simplified argument, I'll say that again,  over simplified, a premium rate to all business, wouldn't work in all cases, but come on...

We can't keep expectign the person paying to be someone else. It's gotta be you. A hard reality we are about to face.

We politely, suggest you rename this site,




OK, we'll standby, thr
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« Last Edit: Sep 14th, 2011 at 7:47am by 03700000000 »  
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Re: Migration Snags Moving from 0870 to 0370 NGN Nos.
Reply #3 - Sep 13th, 2011 at 9:59am
Good Morning and welcome to SayNoTo0870.com 03700000000

Good number btw....

I have only one comment regarding the use of NGN numbers, and it's very simple.

If I am paying to use a service provided by your company, or indeed any company then why should I be expected to pay again via a telephone call for assistance or customer service?? If the company requires me to call in it should a standard rate call!

Your company like many others wanted to have a "special" number for whatever reason, but in doing so we are expected to pay more to contact you.  That is my gripe with the situation.

I do however applaud you and the company for trying to migrate over to an 03 NGN, and feel for you in the issues you are having.

Lets hope the situation is resolved and you CAN migrate over.


PS. I googled the 0870 version of the number, interesting....

I shall leave the rest of the members to have a look for themselves.

PPS. Looking in the Database there is aleady an entry with the 0870 and 0370 numbers. Has the 0370 number gone live yet? (in the unvarified section it notes - Late Sept 2011)

Edited with additional information
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« Last Edit: Sep 13th, 2011 at 10:04am by CJT-80 »  



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aka NHS.Patient, DH_fairtelecoms

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Re: Migration Snags Moving from 0870 to 0370 NGN Nos.
Reply #4 - Sep 13th, 2011 at 10:50am

Before the rotten eggs arrive, I will offer a comment from one who is largely supportive of your general position. (Others were at fault in your migration, but I am pleased to read you seeming to confirm my view that the reseller was the primary villain in this case.)

The point about "Business Rate" numbers, the 084's and 087's, as opposed to the "Premium Rate" 09's, is that the "Service Charge" is rarely more than a modest subsidy towards the cost of providing the call centre service.

If a customer was paying the full cost of having their complaint or enquiry investigated and resolved, then this would be a different matter. There is a ready mechanism available for raising a charge when contact is made by telephone, although not by letter or email. Perhaps there should be premium rate email and postal addresses to provide subsidy to the respective contact centres!

I am fully in favour of the Ofcom proposal for "Business Rate" numbers to be retained, but with the "Service Charge" to the benefit of the party called and the "Access Charge" to the benefit of the caller's telco openly declared.

If a GP wishes to raise a charge for booking an appointment by telephone, or a business for making a complaint or enquiry, then let them explain the fact that they are doing so and give the reasons for it. (The GP would of course have to opt out from the NHS to do this.)

It is my belief that, faced with the requirement to accept direct responsibility for the imposition of a charge that provides a modest cost subsidy, many users would withdraw from using "Business Rate" numbers. (Migration to 03 will be one of the obvious options available to them.)

They will, of course, be compelled to fill the financial gap in other ways. Some may wish, as you suggest, to migrate to true "Premium Rate" numbers, so that the caller is meeting the full cost of the service they are accessing.

I see it as vital that the truth of the situation be fully understood. The truth is often uncomfortable and frequently accompanied by the hurling of rotten foodstuffs.

Just for the record:

- Much of Ofcom's funding is from levies on those whom it regulates. (I do not have the detail - it is complex.)

- The other case I mentioned is discussed at great length in this thread (the migration was completed on 1 Dec 2008).
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Re: Migration Snags Moving from 0870 to 0370 NGN Nos.
Reply #5 - Sep 13th, 2011 at 11:47am
Businesses use NGN 'cos they give a central point, a 01/02 geographic number is useless for many companies.

Every time we change premises, vans, working practices,  web pages, catalogues, or even staff for 10 mins, we can't switch. At its base, for all but the largest of call centres, an 0870 or other NGN has nothing to do with revenue share. The money involved for the revenue is not enough. It's about portabhility and seamless back-end switching. Revenue share is only teh sweetener, the IVR handles out of hours, lunch breaks, holidays, nuisance calls,  voicemail and  a whole host of other issues.

However it gets added in, a customer pays  for it, whetehr  in the price of the call, or the goods or services a company offers. So the result, either way, is the same. Either way you finish paying the same. So SayNOto0870.com is fine, laudable, but flawed.

if a company chooses an ordinary 01 prefix number, the customer still pays a premium rate for the call, just not on a phone bill, it's there, somewhere, in goods, in services, or it'll not be long before that company has no 01 number to be dialled.

So teh only thing this site can really be saying is, we don't want teh cost to be in the phone call, but in the goods or services. Fair enough, we can see teh point.

So SayNOto0870.com is fine, laudable, but if premium rate calls went tomorow, the telcos would be poorer, and most businesses better off, but I suspect teh consumer would not see any real differnce, the cost would go somehwere else. It's only your   phone bill that would be lower.

Whatever number you dial, calling a business, somewhere, you still pay, or that business, simply won't be there. It is part of the  cost of dealing with a business, only put on your phone bill. I can see why people don't liek it. particualry when cost is not clear, which usually it isn't. Us? We'd stop the prctice, but that will never happen.

When we migrate to 0370,  don't get me stargted on that,  it has yet to happen, our telco puts our IVR charges up. In the past the galling autodiallers, wrong numbers,  canvassers and general time-wasters actaully paid to call us, now with 0370, they won't. Or less so, anyway. Its a cost that will have to be paid, so we'll pass this cost to the genuine custoemrs. The cost of products and services can only go up, and be loaded on those that weren't  canvassers and autodiallers etc etc.  As I said,  the custoemr still pays, just it won't be on their phone bill.

The last poster was worried about paying again. With 0370, true, you won't pay 0870 rates to call us, but in our pricing, you will  pay the higher IVR rate to terminate the call, and the price we load you up for, to take account of  the junk calls you didn't make, but we paid to receive. It'll be in the cost of doing business with an 0370 number. You'll pay again with 0370 too. The cost doesn't go away, it just moves a bit. You pay again, becuase, think hard and you can see, it still there, somehwere.

We like any other business, using 0370, won't be cheaper to deal with. But if you run a call canvassing operation or an autodialler, or liek wasting peoples time, your cost to do it now drops, which is nice.

We get teh feeling from many of the posts on here, few have had to run a business, I wonder how the tone of this site would be if you all did. I keep saying it, whatever you dial, to contact a business, you'll pay somewhere. In fact in most cases, dialling 0370 is going to cost you more, but it'll 'look' cheaper. And appearnces do count.

i see teh government depts have all gone  to 0300. So, the taxpayer (that's you and me) now pays for the  call temination costs instead.
The telcos still rake-off.  And it 'looks' cheaper. it's a sap to the non-thinking.  But is it cheaper? 
I don't know, I doubt it.

If we keep our blinkers fixed,  it looks rosey in the garden...

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« Last Edit: Sep 13th, 2011 at 12:16pm by 03700000000 »  
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Migration Snags Moving from 0870 to 0370 NGN Nos.
Reply #6 - Sep 13th, 2011 at 12:27pm
I love it, i've got to quote you:

I see it as vital that the truth of the situation be fully understood. The truth is often uncomfortable and frequently accompanied by the hurling of rotten foodstuffs.

I'm done on here for today.  Off for a bite.  I'm after a Free Lunch...
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« Last Edit: Sep 13th, 2011 at 1:34pm by 03700000000 »  
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Re: Migration Snags Moving from 0870 to 0370 NGN Nos.
Reply #7 - Sep 13th, 2011 at 1:14pm
To the OP: I'm with CJT-80;  I do not, for example, pay an admission charge to enter a shop with whom I may or may not do business so why should a pay an additional premium to telephone a business with which I may or may not do business to find out more about their products and sevices?   That is how I see the "business rate" or 087X/084X numbers, a form of admission charge or access levy.   This is a particular issue if I am already a customer and have a problem with goods or services bought or wish to use a service for which I have already paid, such as make an insurance claim, the business concerned has already had my money & it is for the business to set an open and transparent price for its goods & services, not make hidden and undeclared additional charges.  This becomes even more of an issue when I have a complaint, for example with an error made by a bank - why should I pay a premium to get a resolution of their mistake?   Of course, the very worst kind of offence is when these numbers are used by public sector organisations and their agents/partners where members of the public have no choice, I can't phone, say, a different hospital or council because I don't like the premium rate number used by my local one, I am, effectively, held to ransom.   One last point, I actively avoid businesses which use 087X/084X numbers and choose one which is honest and open about where & who they are and will not seek to exploit me should I need after sales.

However, I do applaud your wish to ditch the 0870 & do sympathise with your problems; just try moving house & getting the telephone sorted, I think this is why we're short of numbers (different thread), there were three at least tied up when we moved!
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Re: Migration Snags Moving from 0870 to 0370 NGN Nos.
Reply #8 - Sep 13th, 2011 at 1:34pm

I could not agree more, especially when it comes to the NHS/Dr's Surgeries! 

With reference to 037xx's post/company (I cannot be bothered to keep typing it sorry) I have no personal need to use the company, and therefore call the 0870/0370 number, but I do appreciate your points.

I would rather pay a set cost for a product or service and then pay NO extra for the call, via a standard rate number.

If the business I call decides to have routing features, or an IVR menu then they can take that cost of their profits! Not out of my phone bill.

You will in fairness look at it from a business point of view, but I have family who have a business and they function fine with a standard 01 number.

I will give you one simple example of a BAD consumer way to run a business - Dell UK, they charge a fortune for the warranty, use ONLY 0844 numbers (which are a "premium" cost) and outsource their support to India!

Dell US on the other hand provides a TOLL FREE 1-877 number for it's support! (Similar to a UK 0800 number)

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Re: Migration Snags Moving from 0870 to 0370 NGN Nos.
Reply #9 - Sep 13th, 2011 at 2:15pm
I'm glad someome likes our number.  0s (or is that Ohs) is what we sell. We're lucky to have it.

We've always liked Guardian Insurance's 0800 282820

2Wit2Wit2Woo (They had an Owl Logo, geddit?) Not sure it's used now.

Barbera. on these points, I have to say I agree. If you'd bought a product or service from us, and we'd somehow fouled up, why should it be you that pays a premium rate to sort it out? You shouldn't.

On this and teh otehr points, we've no answer. I suppose the truth is, both the caller and the called want it both ways. We all want it our way, and that can't be.

And premium rate on local council & health services, no, somehow that's definitely not right. The telco gets the lion's share anyway.

Now, not paying admission to enter a shop, and jsut browsing. I like the analogy, but are you not just paying in a differnt way?

It costs to get to your favourite shop, time to get there, parking, or plain old fashioned shoe-leather. You've just forgotten it. OK, you've no admiision fee to pay to enter teh shop, but havn't yuo jsut moved your cost?

Or is that just too tenuous, an argument hanging on by a thread - Maybe  I'm trying it on.

Here's the killer blow. I'm about to ring our bank,  I've got their  0845 number, but also happen to have the 01. Only because they list it for "Outside the UK calls" as a +44.

Now, for all my ranting,  you may well ask, which will I ring?

Hold on, I'm thinking, now let me see...

I'm dialing now - what? Who's a hypocrite?  What did you say? Never? Nope, I can't see one.

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« Last Edit: Sep 13th, 2011 at 5:16pm by 03700000000 »  
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Re: Migration Snags Moving from 0870 to 0370 NGN Nos.
Reply #10 - Sep 13th, 2011 at 4:52pm
Welcome to SAYNOTO0870.COM 03700000000.

The site has been around for a number of years and has grown in popularity, I believe, primarily due to its database of alternative numbers.

I joined the forum because I had noticed that previously designated "local rate" and "national rate" (0845 and 0870 respectively) were becoming premium rate on more and more tariffs. As a matter of principle, I considered it abhorrent that these designations made less than a decade before were breaking down, particularly as they imply "normal" rate.

Since then, I have come to learn that the designations only ever had meaning with respect to the call rates charged by the incumbent call provider, BT. In practice other providers would charge more because they are not constrained on their level of "Access Charge" (the amount they add on for originating the call, and that is what has happened.

Despite this, there is a distinct lack of appreciation amongst service providers (number users) and their customers that the numbers are a means of imposing a charge on customers. It is this which I feel is at the heart of the matter.

Thus, from my point of view, SAYNOTO0870.COM has two purposes:

1. Oppose the absence of any declaration that number users benefit
through use of numbers.

You could liken not being open about this fact to like not having pricing labels on the shelves that hold the goods in shops. The fact that there are prices on shelves means that there is pressure on retailers to reduce prices (price competition) so that customers know how much items cost and therefore base their decision to purchase on this (as well as other factors of course).

2. Avoid the charges associated with Business Rate numbers.

There will always be a tendency in any given market for consumers to try and reduce the price they pay. Whilst many probably see the SAYNOTO0870.COM database of alternative numbers to be the way of avoiding the charges associated with ringing their banks or insurance companies, this is certainly not my main motivation for participating in its administration.

I am concerned and recognise that the widespread use of Business Rate numbers (or "covert premium rate" numbers as some call them) has come about due to issue Number 1.

I do not believe that all companies should stop using these or that they all should stop using them for particular purposes. My concern is over the sheer numbers (of numbers) in use - nearly all companies, particularly in certain types, use them.

This could be likened to providers in a free market which are all vying to dominate the market, at the expense of others. Competition is good for consumers, but if one provider has too much of a dominant position, it is bad for consumers.

Use of Business Rate numbers is so great with providers in many markets that there is little choice but to purchase services from those that use them. For this reason, I support the notion of a database of alternative numbers as a way of fighting back.

I believe that part of the campaign is about the recognition that Business Rate numbers provide benefit to their users and that this is controlled by the selection of number prefix and nothing else (such as whether there are direct payments or not).

I have never believed that the Say No campaign to be about the eradication of non-geographic numbers. Indeed, prior to the introduction of 03 numbers in 2007, it was quite clear to me that what we needed was a non-geographic number range that cost the same as geographic calls (and formed part of inclusive minutes on the same basis).

It must also be recognised that Business Rate numbers are a very inefficient method of charging customers, particularly those who make contact through mobile phones. The benefit on 0844 numbers is around 5 pence per minute, yet customers are charged up to 41 pence per minute.
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« Last Edit: Sep 13th, 2011 at 4:55pm by Dave »  
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Re: Migration Snags Moving from 0870 to 0370 NGN Nos.
Reply #11 - Sep 13th, 2011 at 5:53pm
Can we not agree? I suggest that if the two components of the call cost, the "Service Charge" and the "Access Charge", were declared separately, in the simplest way that is possible for such a complex situation, then the situation would resolve itself.

Those who imposed a service charge on a sales enquiry line would get only well qualified enquiries, those who did so on a complaints line would get lots of abusive emails.

With "assistance" lines, the question hangs over whether only callers should pay or if the cost must be met by all, including those who do not use them. The simple fact is that a "Business Rate" number never meets the cost of handling the call, it only provides a (perhaps tiny) subsidy.

Although Ofcom's "un-bundled tariff" proposal may appear to complicate, rather than simplify, the situation, it represents nothing more than making an inherently complex situation transparent.

For those who wish to SayNo to "Business Rate" numbers, I believe that this enforced transparency, for the sake of such a small amount of money, would cause many to abandon them altogether. Charging less than £1 for a ten minute call seems like penny-pinching, rather than levying a proper charge for a service. Those who are prepared to declare a charge may as well take a serious amount of revenue, by migrating to a "Premium Rate" number. Those who are not will be migrating to 03.
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Re: Migration Snags Moving from 0870 to 0370 NGN Nos.
Reply #12 - Sep 13th, 2011 at 5:58pm
In short, of course most buinesses don't like the situation either. Call revenue only gets interestign for a business when you're running vast call centres, or you're dealing in millions of minutes. Even if you are, the telcos still take the lion's share.

Had we been able to take revenue, in our case, we'd still have taken mere scraps from the table.

Ultimately the issue is of cost transparency and the telco industry propagates confusiion on this.

We used to advertise our 07000 number as natioanl rate - whatever that meant, we didn't really know ourselves, largely becuase we could not really say what callers were to be paying. And as an 07000, we didn't get the revenue anyway. Nothing much has changed, it is still confusing for most.

The telcos will conspire as they do now, to be sure change won't happen.

I'm afraid, the genie is out of the bottle.

And you'll not educate the average consumer becuase of this propogated confusion.

The telcos have won. Game, Set & Match.
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