It is fair to assume that "the bigger and wider the bundle - the higher the price".
Packages that offered a limited volume of calls or covered fewer destinations would be expected to be cheaper. The standard offerings would be selected to best fit with customer requirements at a marketable price.
The situation with 0845 calls between VM and BT is different. Current regulations on BT prevent it from taking any margin on 0845 calls - this does not apply to VM (or any other provider that includes 0845 calls in packages). Because the associated revenue loss is less for BT, it finds it easier to include 0845 calls in packages than others.
Ofcom proposes to remove this restriction on BT. It will be interesting to see what difference this makes.
From the customer's perspective, every subscriber to a package that includes 0845 calls is effectively paying towards the subsidy that is provided to users of 0845 numbers - whether or not they call them.
I support the view that where someone wishes to impose a service charge on those who call them, it is only those callers who should pay it.