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Google are Ridiculously Difficult to Contact... (Read 26,465 times)
Sebastian White

Posts: 1
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Google are Ridiculously Difficult to Contact...
Jan 10th, 2012 at 11:08am
       Are impossible to contact via the phone from what I can gather.

The information you have this website, either beholds to a dead-end, or a subsidiary or rather linked company with no ties, or a plethora of junctures and options - none of which actually take you anywhere!!!

The customer service at Google, is nothing short of atrocious and I would wish to impart this upon them, but again I have no means...

Can you assist please, as I said your information there, is in effect useless, in fact it is just a waste of people's time - unfortunately!

If you can update this site and myself with more accurate information, it would be greatly appreciated, as I do not believe "any" company should be allowed to continue with behaviour, which is so appallingly bad. People need a verbal contact to speak to - it is not good enough for this company or any other to deny people this, and I would wish the means to convey this upon them please?

Can I say also, to any other internet company out there, internet/email communication is not a susbstitute for having the courtesy and courage to deal with someone in person, but actually a cop out!!!

I'd prefer direct responses on my email: seanwhite06@aol.com but either is fine?

Thanks Sean S White
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aka NHS.Patient, DH_fairtelecoms

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Re: Google are Ridiculously Difficult to Contact...
Reply #1 - Jan 10th, 2012 at 12:24pm

I greatly sympathise with your thoughts and may well have experienced similar frustration with use of Google's products.

I use a number of them, but none for which I actually pay money to Google directly.

As I understand the Google business model, it does not include any "customer service" operation whatsoever.

We may use that as a reason to choose not to use its products, however that is not easy.

Many businesses are choosing to dispense with offering customer support by telephone. This can be very expensive to provide, and even more expensive if it is to be done effectively using representatives who are genuinely able to address the issues that customers may raise.

I share your regret at this, as I too like to have a proper relationship with every company with whom I do business. I must however, no matter how reluctantly, accept the reality of how things are today.

On the other hand as a customer, I cannot object to Google's pricing policy, although it does raise some serious issues. Perhaps if its customers were prepared to pay more in order to fund an effective telephone support operation then things could be different. One option would be for telephone support to be provided using premium rate numbers!

(Corrected - apologies for typos) D
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« Last Edit: Jan 10th, 2012 at 9:52pm by SilentCallsVictim »  
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Re: Google are Ridiculously Difficult to Contact...
Reply #2 - Jan 11th, 2012 at 8:02am
I have carried out extensive research in regard to Google customer service and the company policy has always been not to provide this service via the telephone. Although some of us prefer this as in many cases the direct contact is the best sadly they younger generation are quite happy texting tweeting and e mailing as their main source of contact.

I sympathise but I we are in a minority in this regard and I can't see thing changing any time soon.  Sad
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Re: Google are Ridiculously Difficult to Contact...
Reply #3 - Apr 25th, 2012 at 12:47pm
The only Google connection I have is the googlemail address required to access Android Market Google Play for my phone. I never give it to anyone and it remains dormant, I have huge issues with the disregard for privacy that many of the web companies like Google and Facebook have and avoid them wherever possible - I have my own domain  with web and email hosting, so I don't need it, and as the admin of a forum elsewhere I have huge problems with spammers using Google email addresses, which really makes the service look bad.
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« Last Edit: Apr 25th, 2012 at 12:47pm by warweezil »  
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