The address given is a residential one.
Whois (that's a look-up of the registration data for this internet address):
Quote:Domain name:
Brick Lane Music House Limited
Registrant type:
Registrant's address:
74 Brick Lane
E1 6RL
United Kingdom
Brick Lane Music House is the shop they run, which is mentioned on the homepage.
A number of pages give the voice telephone number for 74 Brick Lane as 020 7247 2547 and the fax as 020 7247 7688.
look at this address on Streetview shows it to be called "Modern Book Shop" but the sign outside says that it sells cassettes, CDs and DVDs. It also gives a telephone number 020 7426 0925.
I couldn't find any other address. Sometimes these sites are run by an outside company and, for example, its address might be given somewhere such as on the returns page. In this case there is nothing. Perhaps it is run from the shop in Brick Lane.