zarrafak wrote on Feb 26
th, 2012 at 10:31am:
I had no idea this could happen
- I always use alternative geographic nos for IR self assessment and bank/insurance enquiries - often using the "If calling from abroad" option (when I can't get a "Say No" alternative).
I've been questioned by receptionists a few times as to why I didn't use their widely-publicised 0845 numbers. Usually, I inform them (politely!) that as I've already paid the call charge upfront in my all-inclusive "anytime" phone package, I should not be paying for any landline calls.
Also that as the call is to allow the organisation the opportunity to correct their error I should not be charged anyway.
Hello and welcome to
If you find an alternative number which is not listed on this site, then please share it so that we can share it with others. This is how the site has such an extensive list of numbers. Similarly, let us know of any numbers that don't work (say why, not recognised, always busy etc) so that they may be removed. And notify us of unverified entries that can be promoted to the verified listings.
I encourage users to register in the forum and post such notifications in the forum (in the Requests section) or by private message.
Where a published 08 Business Rate number is for a particular department (e.g. customer services), and an alternative number is found to be a general number for the company's office (e.g. it goes through to reception or switchboard), then there should be a note to that effect. This is so as to avoid embarrassment or surprise so that prospective users know that it isn't a direct alternative. Where it doesn't say that it is "Switchboard", then please let us know so that a note can be added.
zarrafak wrote on Feb 26
th, 2012 at 10:31am:
- As I understand the receptionist can still then route the call through the premium number? - Is this as simple as call-diverting an unavailable landline to a mobile number?
I have often blamed my son at the month end for premium call charges appearing on my all-inclusive account. Maybe I was mistaken? I'll have to check more closely.
How do I avoid this? Anyone?
Calls should be charged as per the number that is dialled as that is what a telephone company (the one the caller subscribes to) is bound to do legally. In general, I believe that the vast majority of calls to alternative numbers do not incur premium charges (as if the 08 number had been dialled). There are a few reported cases of telephone companies imposing illegal charges on callers. That is what they are; illegal. The SayNoTo0870 campaign has not failed simply because other parties engage in these unscrupulous practices. I emphasise that it is the caller's telephone company which bills the call and which is therefore in the wrong.
There are essentially two ways that a call to a switchboard can be forwarded on:
- To another internal number (extension).
- To an external number, such as the published 08 Business Rate number. Where this is the case, another call is placed from the office to the 08 number and it therefore incurs the charge for 08 number and not the caller that has dialled the 01/02 number. When the call is put through, the company's phone system connects your incoming call to that of the outgoing 08 number. That is, the path or route of your call goes from your phone to the office you initially called and out again to the 08 number and remains so until you terminate the call.
In either case, you might hear a message giving you the cost of the call (even though you did not dial the 08 number). This (assuming that the message relates to the cost of the 08 number) is applicable only had you dialled via the 08 number (and perhaps only applicable when the call is made via one particular provider, e.g. BT; but that's another matter!).
This is because when you call the 08 number, it puts the call through to a 01/02 number. The ringing you hear and the answering of the call (if you did call it!) is on the 01/02 number (which is unknown to you). Thus, when you hear the message telling you that it is costing you 5 pence per minute from a BT line, the message is played out by the 01/02 number. If you call that number directly, or you are put through internally to the same destination, it stands to reason that you will hear the same message.