joli, following your posting I had a look at the entries for Direct Line. We now have verified entries for motor, home, pet and other types of insurance.
The main IVR (menu) for home insurance can be reached on 0141 349 0270 and 0800 051 1417.
Legal enquiries don't form part of the Direct Line IVRs. There are options for claims, customer services, renewals, quotations and so on.
The number you provided for that department of Prudential Insurance, 0845 605 9268, goes straight through to a recording which identifies it as "The Legal Department". The voice isn't the same as that of Direct Line's IVRs, so this leads me to think that it goes straight through to an outside company such as a law firm. Therefore, in order to find a suitable alternative, we need to find out what company it is, or what companies answer the number if there is more than one of them.
It is unfortunate that the Direct Line IVRs don't have an option for legal advice, as these (using the alternatives, of course) may have gone through to the same place as this 0845 number.