Although contracted providers of NHS Dental Services were covered by changes to their contracts when 087 and other telephone number ranges were banned in 2005, they were not explicitly covered by the 2009/10 changes. Only the Medical Services Contracts, which apply to GPs, were revised.
The Directions to NHS Bodies of December 2009 covered use of telephone numbers by NHS bodies, not explicitly those from whom they contract services. The general terms of the contracts covering Dentists, Pharmacists and Ophthalmologists (like those for GPs) are negotiated nationally, even though the services are commissioned by PCTs.
Putting the technicalities aside, as I must assume that they do not apply in this case (the Toothbus service is clearly provided under the terms of a specially negotiated contract, rather than the GDS), permitting use of the 0844 number was a bad mistake.
The fair telecoms campaign will be on the case, and looks forward to reports of any progress made by supporters, especially those who may be on the Toothbus route.