A long time ago I suggested to our main forum moderator (Dave) and the erstwhile but now highly illusive owner of this website (a certain Mr Daniel - who not even Dave has had the pleasure of meeting or even speaking to on the phone as far as I know even though I think he did once do a Radio 4 interview about the website) that anyone contributing a number to this website should have an account and own that number and all the other numbers they contribute and be reminded from time to time of what they had provided and revise it if necessary. This was at the same time as I suggested that it was unrealistic to expect all number contributed by site users to be "Verified" by the moderators before appearing on the list as this only caused an eternal very long backlog before numbers were listed.
My comments were successful in bringing about the ability to contribute a new number that immediately appeared as an Unverified number listing but unsuccessful in terms of my insistence that new numbers were only contributed by registered forum members who could then be conracted from time to confirm the currency of the alternative numbers and/or asked to provide replacements if known. Of course the situation is a bit more complicated than I suggest as if one person has contributed an alternative number and then stops visiting the site completely but a new member comes along who knows a new alternative number we do not want to stop them contributing that new alternative.
The numbers list is now inevitably unfortunately massively inaccurate thanks to the ending of revenue share on 0870 numbers with the consequence that most 0870 numbers gradually converted to an 0844 number. There has also been no program to go through the 0870 numbers and test them and find a replacement where the 0870 number is defunct. This could not be done on an automated basis as unless a human calls the line how could we be sure it is actually being answered by a useful service and not an automated message to call another number.
Basically we now lack guidance, vision or any form of constructive dialogue at all with the site owner (Daniel - - who sometimes used to post in the forum but now almost never does) who I imagine earns some kind of income from this website given the very large number of daily visits it has and the various commercial advertising links to other sites.
It is a great sadness that the founder of this website is so unproactive in terms of ideas to improve ownership and maintenance of the numbers by those who contributed them and in so doing also to ensure some kind of program of regular active maintenance and housekeeping.
I do notice that Dave whilst from time time criticising those who complain about the quality of the numbers really does nothing to try and bring in more active helpers to maintain them. For instance this site and its forum has been going for almost 10 years but there has never been a single attempt to have a social get together for anyone who wants to attend at least once a year. I know not everybody could attend as many live a long way from London but at least there would be an opportunity tio do so and some kind of real community would be formed.
As it is the Alternatives list can only be regarded as containing a list of possible numbers when calling a company, of which one might work. If you then need to call that company regularly that is still pretty helpful in terms of avoiding the 084/7 numbers.
Perhaps it is unfortunate that some of the numbers were elevated to verified status because these days often the unverified number is more likely to be inaccurate than the newer unverified numbers for all but the verty largest companies (where the alternatives tend to be more actively maintained due to user feedback).
So those are my thoughts on the matter. The list of alternative numbers could be a lot better than it is but it is unlikely to become so without a major proactive effort by the owner of this website.
Also these problems are endemic to the business of alternative numbers of itself as the Spanish website
www.nomasnumeros900.com has many of the same issues as this website with numbers that once worked becoming out of date.
The last press interview by Daniel - was one in the FT in October 2005.. See
http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/3109ea42-3799-11da-af40-00000e2511c8.html#axzz2UoYphqj...However he is still the currently registered owner of this domain and is clearly taking no chances by recently having renewed it for another 10 years.