"Adrian Warburton, manager of Worcester-based homeless hostel St Paul’s, said he was not surprised to hear of an increase in people being forced to beg.
As well as the continuing tough times, he also believes changes to the benefits system have a part to play.
Mr Warburton, who lives in Malvern, said: “If there is an increase in begging, and people not having enough funds generally, I think that will have contributed,” he said.
Help is available and anyone looking to find help for themselves or someone else should call the referral agency Worcestershire Link Up
on 0844 346 0014, which will then put them in touch with the appropriate support. "
http://www.malverngazette.co.uk/news/10485111.Beggars_to_face_police_crackdown/You would think they would offer a cheaper form of access number for people supposedly short of funds.