bbb_uk wrote on Aug 30
th, 2013 at 9:48am:
Just quickly read the response and I got the impression you are surprised that companies would sell his contact details.
The story has been covered in a number of ways, with varying degrees of detail.
In some cases it was suggested that the 0871 number was only provided to particular utility providers directly. If that were so, then it would be a very serious matter that it fell into the hands of PPI claims companies. In fact, the 0871 number was spread liberally around price comparison websites, which make part of their living out of selling contact details to all and sundry.
At the time the news release was issued, this point had not been confirmed with Lee. We have also been able to establish that the PPI calls were definitely made to the 0871 number and that the fall off in nuisance calls is partly attributable to the fact that a new ex-directory geographic number was obtained.
The lesson may be that if you want to avoid nuisance calls, get a new ex-directory geographic number and keep it secret. If you are happy to receive nuisance calls by offering a Premium Rate Service, then the rules governing PRS numbers do not completely prevent you from doing so. That may however represent an over-serious approach to what is essentially a fun story.