bigjohn wrote on Oct 31
st, 2013 at 7:54pm:
" TalkTalk is the first ISP to allow customers to identify nuisance callers and block them at a network level.
TalkTalk has today announced it will help prevent those who make scam, fraudulent and persistent and aggressive marketing telephone calls from calling any of the 4 million customers on its network with the launch of a nuisance call reporting service. The new service empowers customers to alert the company to suspected scam and nuisance callers that, in turn, allows TalkTalk to help protect all its customers from becoming potential victims."
Read the full story here: I read this with great interest, both from the fact we at home get a number of Nuisance calls, and that we are with TalkTalk. However one bit of the press release caught my interest:
Repeat likely scam calls: for example, where a customer has received more than 10 calls from the offending number in the past 7 days and if when calling back the number is unobtainable (and not the official BT service message) or cannot be identified by its voicemail or IVR message, TalkTalk will block this number. These are often scam calls.
Nuisance Sales & Marketing calls: excessive and persistent cold calls from call centre operators or automated recorded messages, for example those that call in excess of 30 calls to a customer within 7 days. During a recent trial of the service, the team received reports of companies calling customers over 65 times in a weekNow whilst I am sure this is
not an exhaustive list of what calls they will block, I am concerned as to how many calls
they feel are a nuisance I would personally feel it should be lower!
I wonder what other peoples views are on this?