With the
SayNoTo0870 Database search engine you can search by either company name or phone number.
If you searched by phone number
0871 384 1087
then you will only be shown entries that contain that number. (Spacing isn't required for a number search; I've included it here to make it easier to read.) Where the number listed is a suitable alternative that's all well and good - you have a working alternative.
Where the number (or numbers) is (or aren't) working then we need to be informed so we can remove them from the listings so as to stop others from wasting their time trying them.
Then there is the question of finding a new alternative. One of the places to look is our database. To take stock of what we already have it's best to search by company name because by looking for only entries by 08 phone number you could be missing others for the company which might work.
Some companies go by different names or, as is the case here, it's made up of formerly separate companies. For this reason it's often useful to start by retitling entries so that they carry a common name, which is what I've done - they can all be viewed by entering
into the Company Name box.
I've already cleared out quite a few non-working numbers which were for branches, making what's left easier to see. There are several entries with numbers that could perhaps be for head office and/or a main office where central customer services and reservations are based.
As yet we haven't found an address so this suggestion is based purely on what information is in our database. Based on the STD codes, it gives me the impression that the company may have a presence (excluding hire branches) in Leicester (0116) and Watford (01923), or perhaps did previously.
Indeed, a look at
UK hire locations for Leicester shows two. One is a branch and the other is called "RMC" which is "Rental Management Centre" whose address is James House, 55 Welford Road, Leicester, LE2 7AR. No phone number (voice or fax), not even a 0871, is listed.
It's not uncommon to find that an alternative is a suitable replacement for different 08 numbers, which is why it is a good idea to widen the search to all entries for the company in question.