Another one bites the dust.
"To talk to us to make a payment, provide meter readings or if you've got a question about your bill
Please give us a call on 0333 2024 606. We're open 8am-8pm Monday to Friday and 8am-6pm on a Saturday."
"To talk to us if you've just joined and have a query
If you have a query about your account, call us on 0333 202 4610, we're open 8am-6pm Monday to Friday and 8am-6pm on a Saturday."
"If you have a prepayment meter
If you have a prepayment meter and need to talk to us about your account, please call us on:
0345 303 3040
We're open 8am-8pm Monday to Friday and 8am-6pm on a Saturday."
See: for full list of new numbers.
Edited: Edit by Dave: This thread is for discussion of the issue with the hyperlink which has been posted in the thread
E.ON Switch From 0845 to 03 Numbers. within the Geographical Numbers Chat section of the forum. The first posting of that thread is quoted in full here.