Ian G wrote on Jun 25
th, 2014 at 6:25pm:
It may be instructive to see if they have any idea what callers pay to ring their 0844 number. You'll likely get the usual "5p/min from a BT line". While that may be true (once you also add the 15p connection fee), BT accounts for very few calls. Most callers will be paying substantially more. The essential point is that most people call standard 01, 02 and 03 numbers using their inclusive allowance on their landline or mobile. Calls to 084 and 087 numbers are generally non-inclusive with every such call further pushing up the bill.
The fact the "legal team" are having deliberations over this suggests they don't get it. Is the 2p/min income from the 0844 number so vital that they are prepared to expose their customers to call prices of up to 41p/min in order to continue collecting their tiny share? From June 2015 they will be required to declare that calls to their 0844 number incur a Service Charge. All of the technical facilities of a non-geographic number are equally available on 03 and 08 numbers alike. However, usage of an the 03 number removes the exposure to high call prices. These calls must be charged the same as 01 and 02 calls and count towards inclusive allowances in the same way.
I think I got most of what you say across, email that I sent them yesterday; -
Hello Sophie,
I am afraid the fact you only have one line into your contact centre does not exempt you from the legislation as customers have to use the same number to complain or exercise their DSR rights, see Section J from the PDF link I sent you:-
"J. Prohibition on customer helplines charging more than basic rate
How can I comply with the basic rate requirement?
1. Where a telephone helpline is provided, the basic rate requirement means
not charging more to phone a trader about something you have bought than
to call a friend or relative, that is to say the simple cost of connection. This
telephone number provided should not provide the trader with a contribution
to their costs
2. The following numbers, if used by traders, would comply with the
Geographic numbers or numbers which are always set at the same
rate, which usually begin with the prefix 01, 02, or 03;
4. Other revenue sharing numbers would not comply. These are numbers in
which a portion of the call charge can be used to either provide a service or
make a small payment to the trader. These usually have the prefix 084 or
0871, 0872 or 0873."
This legislation came into effect on 13th June 2014 and you should have implemented it on or before that date to comply.
You could use an 03 number where your telco is obliged to offer you, free of charge, a change to the relevant 03 number, i.e the only digit changed is the 8 to a 3, and the charge to the caller is the same as 01/02 numbers and included in all phone packages.
You appear to not know, or choose to ignore, that the same call facilities are available on an 0344 number as on an 0844 number, and that you can move to the matching 0344 number by making one simple phone call to your provider to action it without incurring a penalty fee on their telephone services contract or equipment lease.
The only reason you are using an 0844 revenue sharing number is to, (covertly), extract money from your customers via the telephone system, well the EU has finally done what Ofcom should have done years ago and banned unscrupulous traders from using these numbers!
There is no number code 08447, the code is 0844, a revenue sharing number classed by Ofcom as "Business Rate numbers", you use 08447 as a disguise for the true number that can cost up to 41ppm from a mobile and are never included in phone packages!
See this Ofcom PDF publication: -
http://consumers.ofcom.org.uk/files/2010/01/numbering.pdfChargeable 08 Business Rate numbers
These are used by large and small businesses for sales, enquiry and
customer service lines and for some pay-as-you go internet access
0843 and 0844
How much do calls cost? Calls are charged between 1p and 13p per
minute for landline customers. Calls from mobile phones are typically charged between
20p and 41p per minute, depending on the provider and the number called.
Think about it, if you are concerned for your customers then you should, morally, be using an 03 number if your laughable comment, "event of a disaster or corporate relocation" is to be believed!