kasg wrote on Jul 4
th, 2014 at 3:03pm:
History shows that it is a lost cause expecting people to get the message.
I believe history shows that the message sinks in only slowly and then only when it can be directly related to personal experience.
kasg wrote on Jul 4
th, 2014 at 3:03pm:
There has been very little publicity about 03 numbers.
That is true. It has not been a massive public demand that has led so many to switch from 084 to 034 numbers - however, much has been achieved.
Ofcom faces a major communication challenge in relation to the introduction of the unbundled tariff and work will have to start soon. Explaining about 03 numbers will have to be a part of this exercise.
This will not be on the scale of the "Big Number", because it will only be in those cases where organisations choose to change their numbers that will effect the way oin people dial to contact them, and in many cases old numbers will be retained through an extended period of change-over.
kasg wrote on Jul 4
th, 2014 at 3:03pm:
Many people didn't even know the European Elections were happening, let alone vote in them. It would not surprise me if the General Election passes 10% of people by.
Despite the absence of 100% interest, many always pound the streets to secure votes for candidates in parliamentary elections. We will continue campaigning for "fair telecoms", unless and until we are convinced that our cause is lost (or won).