jrawle wrote on May 28
th, 2015 at 1:50pm:
Why should customers care how much the company providing their service is paying its suppliers? Who thinks about how much the supermarket pays the freight company to bring its stock? What is important is the price the customer pays, and what goods or service they receive for that price. So that is all irrelevant.
This is not at all about the phone service "paying its supplier". The essential point exposed by Clear Call Rates for Everyone is that when you call an 084, 087, 09 or 118 number you are paying two separate suppliers for two separate services. One is the payment to your telephone provider to simply connect and convey the call. The other is the payment to a third party for a chargeable service such as a weather forecast, sports results, horoscope, entry fee for a competition, payment to a conference call or dial through service, or a donation to a charity. In all cases your telephone provider is simply acting as an agent in collecting the revenue and passing it on. Why should other callers be asked to contribute to this onwards payment?
The changes also expose those who use these numbers and benefit from imposing a Service Charge but are not offering any sort of chargeable service. Customer service and other such lines are no longer allowed to use these types of numbers.
jrawle wrote on May 28
th, 2015 at 1:50pm:
If there's no change in package price on 1 July, anyone who presently gets 0845 and 0870 calls included, but from 1 July does not, is worse off.
In previous years, some people were able to call HMRC and DWP using inclusive calls to 0845 numbers from their landline. The majority of people, especially those using a mobile phone, had to pay for the calls. Those organisations now use 0300 and 0345 numbers and the new 03 numbers are inclusive for far more people. Every landline and mobile provider has deals with inclusive calls to 03 numbers.
Calls to 0844 and 0871 numbers are not inclusive. A large number of those users have recently migrated to 03 numbers and calls to these organisations are now inclusive on landlines and on mobiles.
jrawle wrote on May 28
th, 2015 at 1:50pm:
At the moment, part of their package cost is paying for any 0845 or 0870 calls they make - so everyone is paying for those calls as you say. From July, the package prices don't change, so either everyone is still paying for those 0845 or 0870 calls, or else it represents a huge cost in the price of the package.
The termination rates for 0870 numbers are currently about 35p per hour but when declared as a Service Charge will increase to up to £7.80 per hour. The caller that made the call should pay the Service Charge, just as they do for 0871 and 0872 numbers. Likewise for 0845 (which will increase to up to £4.20 per hour) vs. 0844 and 0843.
jrawle wrote on May 28
th, 2015 at 1:50pm:
I thought it was called competition. You choose the package that seems best value for you. Again, who cares how much BT have to pay out behind the scenes. I very much doubt they would do this if they were losing money.
Calls to 084 numbers, including 0845 numbers, incur a Service Charge of up to 7p per minute. Calls to 087 numbers, including 0870 numbers, incur a Service Charge of up to 13p per minute. You have to ask why BT wants to include calls to 0845 and 0870 numbers but will not include other 084 and 087 numbers with the same level of Service Charge.
jrawle wrote on May 28
th, 2015 at 1:50pm:
When more NGNs became inclusive in recent years, I thought that was a huge improvement.
The inclusion of calls to 0845 numbers involves a cynical deception of callers, one which Clear Call Rates for Everyone now reveals.
jrawle wrote on May 28
th, 2015 at 1:50pm:
These latest changes seem to be reversing that, which is a huge step backwards.
The changes are a big step forwards. They make those who are in receipt of a financial benefit own up to that fact and force them to reconsider their position. They can no longer hide behind "Calls cost X from a BT line" as their excuse.
jrawle wrote on May 28
th, 2015 at 1:50pm:
I don't think there should be any revenue sharing numbers, except premium rate 09 numbers.
Given the enormous exodus of users from the 084 and 087 ranges over the last year or so, that may well be the end effect in a few years time.
jrawle wrote on May 28
th, 2015 at 1:50pm:
All other numbers should be charged at a standard rate (inclusive or not, depending on your package). Also, reasonably priced packages that didn't include calls, but where the calls weren't a rip-off, would also be welcome.
Numbers where only the caller's telecoms company is being paid (01, 02, 03, 071-075, 077-079) should be inclusive. Numbers where a third party content supplier or service is also being paid should not be inclusive.
When 0845 numbers were being used by essential government services and while the additional charge was 2p per minute, maybe there was a case for the additional charges to be spread across all BT subscribers. Many other providers, especially mobile operators, were not prepared to do this. Now that these services use 03 numbers there is no such need and there are no additional charged imposed on callers. The call recipient pays the non-geographic call handling and call forwarding costs.