It says that calls to 0870 and 0845 numbers will remain inclusive at the time of day and on the days of the week relevant to your call plan (i.e. weekends, evening and weekends or anytime) for calls of up to 70 minutes long. Outside of those times you'll pay a 9.58p per minute Access Charge plus the Service Charge as advised by the service provider (chatline, recorded information line, conference-calling service, international dial-through provider, etc).
With Service Charges of up to 13p per minute and a fair usage policy of 1000 minutes per month, they are committing to pay out up to £130 of Service Charge to the organisations that you call (earning them, after VAT and call handling costs have been deducted, up to about £80 to £90 in revenue share payments) even though you are paying only a few pounds per month for the call plan. This means that your calls are being subsidised by other callers who do not call these numbers.