bigjohn wrote on Jul 3
rd, 2015 at 3:04am:
Its early days yet but the non compliance by service providers is currently very high. I did a quick check of major users in my neck of the woods,and i only found one complying. Those not publishing the service charge involved to call them included a Premier League Football Club,Large Hotel. Large Firm Of Solicitors, Big Car Sales Company, Major Fitness Club Chain, Big Theatre.
japitts wrote on Jul 3
rd, 2015 at 9:25am:
I've found the same - also noticing that when you query the non-compliance/what is the service charge with these firms, that "ignore the email or Tweet" seems to be quite prevalent.
Which makes me wonder, what level of enforcement is there? I suspect none.
Thanks for these comments.
There is no good reason why service providers could not have achieved compliance in time, however we have found that some have responded to a well-aimed gentle nudge. I would encourage others to try this approach.
This is wrong

, it should not be necessary

, however it can be seen to work

(I referred to ways in which the fair telecoms campaign can be involved with specific cases in my first posting in this thread.)
We must all be concerned about the level of enforcement that will be seen in practice. Obviously we will have to wait to see what happens, as cases are presented to the respective regulators, investigated and then action determined. Because the enforcement action is re-active, as opposed to pro-active, it will be some time before we able to make any judgement about how effective this will be - in individual cases, and in demonstrating the importance of compliance to others.
Although we have to give people time to do their job, please be assured that the fair telecoms campaign and Ofcom are watching this very closely and will ourselves take action, in relation to enforcement procedures, if and when it is necessary.
Natural cynicism offers a healthy protection against complacency. We are however very cautious about allowing Service Providers to believe that they have nothing to fear from failure to comply, by publicly suggesting that enforcement is not robust. Our tactic must be to withhold any such public suggestion until such time as it is both necessary and likely to lead to an improvement. Notwithstanding tactical considerations, I am genuinely confident that this will work - it has already caused a mass evacuation of the 084 ranges and this is still continuing at a pace.