The document also encourages readers to click through to a report at and that document also contains some errors.
Quote:UK’s number ranges 070/075/076 are associated with the so called personal numbers allocations.
070 is the only personal numbers range.
075 is used for ordinary mobile phones, the same as other ranges 071 to 075 and 077 to 079.
076 is used by pagers, except for 07624 which is used by mobile phones in the Isle of Man.
Quote:Personal Numbering Services (PRS)
The correct abbreviation is PNS. The abbreviation PRS (Premium Rate Service) is used multiple times elsewhere in the document. Premium Rate Services (PRS) are not to be confused with PNS (Personal Numbering Services).
There is an argument that personal numbers should never charge premium rates and Ofcom's reforms will enable this to be so.
Other blog posts on this topic have been found elsewhere Quote:Time to Fix the UK’s Fraud-Enabling Dial Plan
This is what Ofcom is doing. The end result should be that numbers starting 01, 02, 03 and 07 (except 076) are included in allowances otherwise charged at a fixed rate, numbers starting 080 are free-to-caller, and numbers starting 084, 087 and 09 are premium rate with an Access Charge and a Service Charge.
Quote:For example, it was a mistake to have all sorts of so-called ‘personal’ and ‘follow-me’ phone numbers, including those which pay revenues to the call recipient, begin with the digits 070. Numbers beginning 07 are associated with mobile phones by the majority of consumers, and also by quite a few foreign comms providers.
When this was originally conceived in the mid-1990s and put into action in 1997, it was a good idea. Back then, the termination rate for calls to personal numbers, mobile numbers and pager numbers was around 40p per minute and the concept of inclusive call plans did not exist. However, changes since then have opened up a huge price differential.
Over time, the mobile termination rate has reduced. First, this allowed inclusive call plans to be developed. Over time, as the rate was further reduced, this allowed ever larger inclusive call plans. As the termination rate for personal numbers and pager numbers has not reduced, these are not included in allowances and that has caused many problems. The removal of revenue sharing from personal numbers in 2007 made many of the scams go away, but there were still opportunities for money to be made.
The business model for personal numbers is severely flawed. The called party chooses which service they want to use, and callers pay for that service. This does not promote effective competition.
Quote: The crux of the issue is that 070 numbers are easily confused with other numbers beginning 07.
The crux of the problem is that calls to personal numbers cost a lot more than calls to mobile numbers.
Quote:The long-term solution is hence to choose dial codes that are less likely to be confused. Expensive types of call services would be easier to distinguish if their numbers began with 04 or 06.
Ofcom has identified that there is no reason for calls to personal numbers to be expensive. Indeed, the lack of proper competition comes from the very fact that at present all of the costs inherent in using a personal number are borne by callers.
Capping the termination rate and lowering retail call charges will address the problem and genuine premium rate services can use the appropriate 084, 087 or 09 number range to raise revenue. There is no need for yet another prefix such as 04 or 06. Indeed, in 2007, the personal numbering industry argued that numbers should not be changed.
Quote:To avoid the cost, Ofcom proposes a different kind of solution: implementing price controls on 070 numbers. This would reduce the motivation for fraud, but without addressing the potential for confusion.
Setting a price control does fix the problem. Calling a personal number will cost the same as calling a mobile number. People,don't care where a call to an 070 number ends up being answered. They care that the cost is what they expected it to be - the same as calling a mobile number.
Quote:Furthermore, price controls will hurt legitimate businesses even more than fraudsters. Whilst the fraudsters can simply adopt a different kind of scam, legitimate businesses that have advertised their service and built up their reputation will be undermined by price controls.
Legitimate personal numbering services will have to adopt a new business model - one where the call-forwarding costs are borne by the called party, not the caller.
Organisations that want those charges to be borne by callers can choose an 084, 087 or 09 number and properly declare the call charges.