I'm trying to track down the metering point number for a commercial property that I may be buying. The property is currently empty and tracking down the MPAN is proving to be a little tricky. The online service doesn't recognise the property:
https://myservices.northernpowergrid.com/supplier/index.cfmIt returns a page with a couple of 0845 numners, for different parts of the area served. In this case it's:
0845 3300889
I've checked the SayNo database for that number and the company but none of the number seem relevant. There's an email address I could try. Or I could try other Northern Power numbers.
Googling the number brings up this horror of a page, riddled with 0845 and 0870 numbers:
https://www.mrasco.com/ufaqs/who-is-my-supplier/The energy industry seems to be one of the last bastions of 0845/0870.