Non-Geographical Alternative Telephone Numbers
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Welcome to the SAYNOTO0870.COM website

The site lists inclusive, geographic rate or free numbers for many well known companies.

Search on an expensive 0842, 0843, 0844, 0845, 0870, 0871, 0872 or 0873 number to
find an inclusive or geographic rate 01, 02 or 03 number or a free 0800 or 0808 number.

The SAYNOTO0870.COM web site has been featured on BBC's Working Lunch TV programme, Five's The Gadget Show, BBC Radio 2 (Jeremy Vine Show), BBC Radio Norfolk, and also appeared in many newspapers and publications, including The Guardian, Which Magazine, Readers Digest, and many more.

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Calls to 084 and 087 numbers incur an additional Service Charge paid to the benefit of the called party and their telecoms provider. Organisations using these numbers are effectively being subsidised by this call revenue.

While this is generally fine for chatlines, recorded information lines and entertainment services such as voting on a TV show, it is quite inappropriate for customer service lines, sales lines, government departments, health services and financial services to use these types of number.

This site helps you find alternative inclusive or geographic rate 01, 02 or 03 numbers or free 080 numbers to call those businesses and organisations.

Additionally, there are a number of phone providers offering cheaper calls to standard telephone numbers (those beginning with 01, 02 or 03). Please see the links page and click on Cheapest Call Provider for price details. This shows that by using multiple providers, you can reduce your call cost on standard telephone numbers to as little as 5p fixed cost (regardless of duration).

Calls to 084 and 087 numbers incur both an Access Charge of up to 27p per minute from landlines or up to 89p per minute from mobiles and a Service Charge of up to 7p per minute or per call for 084 numbers or up to 13p per minute or per call for 087 numbers. On the other hand, calls to 01, 02 and 03 numbers are usually inclusive within a call plan else charged at "geographic rate". Calls to 080 numbers are free from landlines and from mobiles.

Since 2009, BT and some other phone providers have included calls to 0845 and 0870 numbers in their call plans, but this only applies to certain packages or at certain times of the day. Calls to other 084 and 087 numbers are excluded.

Many companies also advertise a separate number that can be used when calling them from abroad. This usually begins in the format +44 1 or +44 2. There is usually nothing to stop you using this number from the UK (as it is a normal rate telephone call), and will be included in any inclusive minutes provided by your landline or mobile phone provider. In some cases, however, you may need to withhold your CLI in order to make the connection.

This site is all about listing the inclusive, geographic rate and free numbers, thereby saving you money. To get started and find a particular number, please click on the 'Search to find an alternative number' link at the top of the page. You can search by telephone number or by company name.

Thanks to everyone who has contributed to the site. Please continue to add any new numbers as and when you find them as well as reporting numbers that no longer work. Full details on our terms and conditions can be seen by clicking here.

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