If you're looking for the cheapest way to call genuine chargeable services using premium rate 084, 087 or 09 numbers, simply find the network with the lowest access charge here
http://saynoto0870.com/costofcalling.phpIf you are looking to call companies and organisations and avoid paying premium charges for 084 and 087 numbers, then you need to look for non-premium numbers that will get you through to the same place. Firstly, check the official website of whoever you are calling. Most organisations have replaced their 084 and 087 lines with the matching 034 or 037 number. Others have chosen a new 01, 02, 03 or 080 number. If the numbers shown on the official website are still 084 or 087 then use the search function here to look for an alternative 01, 02, 03 or 080 number.